Copyright © IABC/Toronto, /2009 AGM Communications Impacting Business
Agenda 6:30 pmApproval of 2008 AGM minutes and remarks from the Outgoing President Leslie Hetherington, APR 6:50 pmRemarks from the Outgoing Past PresidentJanet Comeau 6:55 pmReport from the VP, FinanceCarrie MacAfee 7:05 pmMotions for approvalLeslie Hetherington, APR 7:10 pmRemarks from the Incoming PresidentBrent Carey, ABC 7:25 pmOther business and adjournmentLeslie Hetherington, APR 7:30 pmBreak 7:40 pmHow to protect your company’s soul as you manage through tough times Mark Schumann, ABC 8:25 pmQ&A
Our Three Year Strategy b) Run a Solid Operation (that will thrive in the future) a) Know & Respond to Member Needs Improve Retention & Grow Membership Ensure the “quality” of each member’s ongoing IABC/Toronto experience Relevant ● Resonates ● Convenient
1. CONVENIENT & RELEVANT Programs that RESONATE 28 Events –1,427 Attended – 31% of members
1. CONVENIENT & RELEVANT Programs that RESONATE Affinity/Member Discount Programs
2. Share/Transfer RELEVANT Knowledge 17 Matches Online++ 7 New 8+ Partnerships ‘How-to…’
3. Promote Accessible & RELEVANT R&D $alary Survey 3 Podcasts of PD Events Thought Leadership Videos Coming this Fall:
4. Advocate Communicators’ RELEVANCE to Business Advocacy ?
Run a Solid Operation a)Program Management b)Administration c)Succession & Knowledge Transfer d)Financial Planning
Some Results…. 1.Volunteers increased to 165/10% (objective: 130/8%) 2.ABCs increased by 7 – to 92/5.6% (objective: 110/6%) members (31% of membership) attended an event (objective: 22%) – Networking attendance increased by 5% 4.Award entries broke records in all cases -- totaling % increase 5.Contributed $9,095 to research & the community ($680 at SR event) 6.Launched: Social Responsibility Policy & Program; Mentoring Program; Student Initiatives; Exit Interviews; Affinity/Member Discounts Strategy….. 7.Corporate memberships increased to 283/17% (objective: 210/9%) 8.Student memberships increased to 150/9% (objective: 155) 9.IABC/Toronto members increased to 1,653 (objective: 1,650) 10.Won 6 Chapter Management Awards (2007/08)… great expectations to continue momentum….
Challenges 1.Membership Up – but Retention Static 2.Financially Solid – with Economic Impacts 3.Volunteer Driven – Double-edge 4.Can’t Please All – but Need to Hear You!
Thank-you to 2008/09 Team Some 165 Volunteers!!
Special Thank-you
Proposed Board Slate President:Brent Carey, ABC Past President:Leslie Hetherington, APR, MBA Executive Vice President:Carrie MacAfee Accreditation & Standards:Linda Andross, ABC Advertising & Sponsorship:Cyrus Mavalwala Association Management:Julie Wilson, ABC, MEd Awards:Trell Huether Finance:Natasha Renaud, MBA, MS Mass Comm Marketing Communications:Christine Andrew, MBA Member Communications:Diana Robinson Membership:Sharon Beattie Networking & Special EventsLouise Armstrong Professional Development:Yasmin Ranade Volunteer Services:Marie Fitzpatrick-Hall, ABC VP at Large, International Conference Task Force (by appointment): Anna Relyea, BA, MA