Grace Fellowship Church Pastor/Teacher Jim Rickard Thursday, May 12, 2011


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Presentation transcript:

Grace Fellowship Church Pastor/Teacher Jim Rickard Thursday, May 12,

Doxology Praise God, from whom all blessings flow; Praise Him, all creatures here below; Praise Him above, ye heavenly host; Praise Father, Son, and Holy Ghost.— Amen.

Memory Verse 1 Cor 13:13 “But now abide (live forever) faith, hope, love, these three; but the greatest of these is love.”

John 16:8-11 The Convicting Ministry of God the Holy Spirit: Sin, vs. 9 Righteousness, vs. 10 Judgment, vs. 11

Vs 9, “Man-ward” side of the Holy Spirit’s convicting ministry “sin”; the sin of unbelief which is the unpardonable sin and the sin of blaspheming against the Holy Spirit.

Vs 10, “Christ-ward” side of the Spirit’s ministry represented in “righteous- ness”, the opposite of sin, found in the person and saving work of the Lord Jesus Christ.

Vs 11 “Satan-ward” side of the Spirit’s ministry represented in “judgment”; the judgment of sins in the Person of Jesus Christ which defeated and condemned Satan once and for all time.

John 16:10, B. Concerning Righteousness! (continued)

“And you all will no longer see Me.” THEOREO: Pres., Act., Ind., denotes an involved watching of something, “to consider, to investigate, or to look into the matter.”

This word is also used for Stephen’s vision of the Lord at his stoning, Acts 7:55.

Acts 7:55, “But being full of the Holy Spirit, he gazed intently into heaven and saw the glory of God, and Jesus standing at the right hand of God; 56 and he said, “Behold, I see (THEOREO) the heavens opened up and the Son of Man standing at the right hand of God”.”

John 16:10, “On the other hand concerning righteousness, because I am going to the Father and you all will no longer see Me.”

Jesus Christ was raised on the third day, as opposed to being abandoned to Hades, Psa 16:10; Acts 2:27, and 40 days later ascended into Heaven, Acts 1:9.

At that time He was accepted, received into heaven, by God the Father, as a demonstration of Jesus’ personal righteousness.

This was a vindication of the accusations against Him by the world, Mat 10:35; 12:24-27; Mark 3:22; Luke 11:15-19, that He was not righteous and instead in league with Satan, Rom 3:10,

Yet He was raised and seated at the Father’s right hand, Acts 2:33-35; 5:31-32; Eph 1:20-23; Heb 1:3; 12:2; etc., being vindicated before His accusers (the world), proving His righteousness.

Heb 1:3, “And He is the radiance of His glory and the exact representation of His nature, and upholds all things by the word of His power. When He had made purification of sins, He sat down at the right hand of the Majesty on high.”

Jesus Christ is the righteous One! Acts 3:14; 7:52; 22:14; Rom 5:19; 1 John 3:7; Rev 16:5

Man realizes his unrighteousness as the Holy Spirit reveals Christ’s righteousness.

Jesus’ departure to the Father and acceptance by the Father, made possible the believer’s righteousness as a result of the convicting ministry of God the Holy Spirit. Rom 5:19; 1 John 3:7

Rom 5:19, “For as through the one man’s disobedience the many were made sinners, even so through the obedience of the One the many will be made righteous.”

1 John 3:7, “Little children, make sure no one deceives you; the one who practices righteousness is righteous, just as He (Jesus Christ) is righteous.”

C. Concerning Judgment! John 16:11 The Satan-ward side of the Holy Spirit’s convicting ministry to the world of unbelievers.

“Even concerning judgement.” An Ascensive Conjunction, denoting the final addition to the correlation of the three fold convicting ministry of God the Holy Spirit.

“Judgment” - KRISIS: Descriptive Genitive, “a decision, judgment, judging, condemnation, punishment or justice.”

The legal process of judgment or judging that goes against a person, i.e., condemnation, and the sentence that follows.

“Because the ruler of this world.” ARCHON KOSMOS Satan has been the ruler of planet earth since the fall of Adam.

Jesus Christ controls history but Satan is the ruler of this world.

Jesus has previously used this title for Satan in John 12:31 and 14:30.

“Has been judged”- KRINO: Perf., Pass., Ind., 3 rd PS. “To judge or decide.”

Grace Fellowship Church Thursday, May 12, 2011 Tape # Convicting Ministry of God the Holy Spirit Righteousness & Judgment Upper Room Discourse, Part 506 John 16:10; Acts 2:33-35; 5:31-32; Eph 1:20-23; Heb 2:14-15; Col 2:13-15 James H. Rickard Bible Ministries 2011