Symbolic Connections –Background –Allegory –Symbolism of Characters Animal Farm presents a terrifying picture of a world without personal freedom The story can be read on two levels: 1.Beast fable 2.History of Soviet communism The pigs, Napoleon and Snowball, are symbolic of soviet leaders Joseph Stalin and Leon Trotsky
Historical Background –Soviet Political History –The Problem –Philosophies of Karl Marx Orwell uses the plight of the Soviet nation as a powerful tool to condemn any political body that seek to gain total control over the masses. Early 20 th Century, a tiny minority controlled most of the country’s wealth The working class rallied around political philosopher Karl Marx’s doctrine of “Workers of the world, unite!”
Historical Background, Continued –Marx’s Theory –The Russian Revolution –Stalin vs. Trotsky Marx believed that when all property is commonly owned, everyone is equal. Vladimir Lenin seized control of Russian and took land and industry from private control and put them under government supervision After Lenin’s death their was an ugly struggle for power in Russia
Background, Continued –Stalin Takes Control –Control through Intimidation Joseph Stalin and Leon Trotsky both jockeyed for control of the communist party, with Stalin coming out victorious Stalin used his power in vicious and often demeaning ways—killing and imprisoning enemies
Background, Continued –Stalin’s Rule It is estimated that millions of Soviet citizens were murdered while he was in power The Soviet government began to crumble; economic plans failed; violence, fear and starvation gripped the Soviet nation
Animalism and Communism Animalism –No owners, no rich, but no poor –Workers get a better life, all animals equal –Everyone owns the farm Communism –Aristocracy and workers share and become one –All people equal –Government owns everything, people own government
Animal Revolution and Russian Revolution Animal Revolution –It was supposed to make life better for all –Life was worse at the end –The leaders became the same as, or worse than the other farmers (humans) they rebelled against Russian Revolution –Supposed to fix problems from Czar –Life was even worse long after revolution –Stalin made Czar look like a nice guy
Old Major and Karl Marx Old Major –taught Animalism –Believed animals needed to revolt; even the “lower” animals must come together –dies before revolution Karl Marx –invented Communism –Believed in the maxim, “Workers of the world, Unite!" –dies before Russian Revolution
Napoleon and Joseph Stalin Napoleon –not a good speaker, not as clever like Snowball –cruel, brutal, selfish, devious, corrupt –his ambition is for power, killed opponents –used dogs and Squealer to control animals Joseph Stalin –not a good speaker, not educated like Trotsky –same as Napoleon, didn't follow Marx's ideas –cared for power, killed all that opposed him –used KGB, church, and propaganda (newspaper s, media)
Snowball and Leon Trotsky Snowball –young, smart, good speaker, idealistic –really wants to make life better for all –One of leaders of revolution –chased away into exile by Napoleon's dogs Leon Trotsky –other leader of "October Revolution" –pure communist, followed Marx –wanted to improve life for all in Russia –chased away by Lenin's KGB (Lenin's secret police)
Squealer and Propaganda, Newspapers Squealer –big mouth, talks a lot –convinces animals to believe and follow Napoleon –Changes and manipulate s the command ments Newspapers –worked for Stalin to support his image –used any lie to convince the people to follow Stalin –benefited from the fact that education was controlled
Mr. Jones and Czar Nicholas II Mr. Jones –irresponsib le to his animals (lets them starve) –sometimes cruel - beats them with whip –sometimes kind - mixes milk in animal mash Czar Nicholas II –a poor leader at best, compared to western kings –cruel and sometimes brutal with opponents –Sometimes kind - hired students as spies to make $
The Dogs and KGB The Dogs –a private army that used fear to force animals to work –killed or intimidated any opponent of Napoleon KGB (Secret Police) –not really police, but forced support for Stalin –used force, often killed entire families for disobedien ce
Boxer and the Working Class Boxer –strong, hard working horse, believes in Animal Farm –"Napoleon is always right", "I must work harder" –gives his all, is betrayed by Napoleon, who sells him Working Class –people believed Stalin because he was "Communist" –many stayed loyal after it was obvious Stalin a tyrant –betrayed by Stalin who ignored and killed them
Windmill and Industrial Revolution Windmill –the windmill was promised to make the animal's life easier –Shorten work week –Windmill Destroyed –Build new windmills Industrial Revolution –'Five-Year Plan' was supposed to improve Soviet industry and increase production –It would allow the soviets to shorten the work-week –Plan failed miserably –Stalin kept churning out new 'Five- year Plans