King Cotton: Fiber of Slavery
1.Increase, increased development of textile mills in the North needed more and more cotton 2.Decrease, as demands increase so does production so more cotton floods the market decreasing price 3.Recession – Panic of They are dependent on each other. North needs cotton produced by South, South needs North to buy cotton.
5. Increases; Immigration, added territory, & Babies 6. Increased; Babies 7. No 8. a. Hoped to become slaveholders b. Accepted racist views upon which slavery rested (Christian thing to do, slaves cared for) c. Kept all whites upper class citizens d. Afraid of equality e. Emancipation would jeopardize the safety of all whites
9. a. Task system (pre-boom) Work until complete list of jobs Allowed slaves to have free time b. Gang System (post-boom) Adopted by large plantations Slave driver organized slaves into work gangs that worked from sunup to sundown 10. a. Free, ability to work way up, can decide when and where to live, Family b. Slaves given place to live, clothes, food, healthcare
11. Passive Aggressive – work slower, break things by “accident” Runaway Violent Revolts: 1800: Gabriel Prosser literate slave planned large revolt stopped and executed before it could be carried out (creation of black codes) 1822: Denmark Vessey Free slave planned largest slave revolt but stopped and executed before it could be carried out 1832: Nat Turner Believed chosen by God, kills fifty people, hanged
Create Culture a. Language – English Pidgin b. Family Fictive Kin – people seen as family but not related Female Centered – usually separated from mother at birth given to another slave to be cared for. Owners try to break family bonds so slaves create new ones c. Religion Blend Christianity and African Traditions Christianity meant to teach obedience, slaves see as liberation (Moses) Churches most interracial institution d. Oral Tradition – not allowed to read or write e. Music – express sorrow, carry secret messages through plantation