An HCS 2009 Production By: Ada Alozie, Rosa J. Sanchez, Ashley Dawkins, Decland Paul-Roper 1
Nutrition: The science or study that deals with food and nourishment. The proper intake of vitamins and nutrients for the human body. This year our Nutrition group was to learn about how Nutrition is important to us, and if it varies in different areas depending on factors such as, Income, Education, Population, etc. Our group was given the borough of The Bronx, we were to visit a number of sites during these eight weeks, and we were to analyze The Bronx as a whole. 2
As of 2008, there were 1,391,903 people residing in the Bronx The three majority of races include Caucasians, African-Americans and Hispanics. Hispanics have the highest percentage in the county, with 51.7%. The increase in population means there becomes an increase in the need for food, housing, healthcare, etc. 3
This is all possible with the acquisition of Income. Income is the general cash flow received from working over a period of time. The average income for a household is $27,611, in comparison to a family home, which is $30,682. The Bronx is divided into multiple areas with its own respectable income based upon the characteristics of its surrounding area. 5
Does income not only effect nutrition, but overall life decisions? We believe that people are influenced by factors such as advertising, culture and family habits. Their willingness to spend money or go the extra mile is the reason for poor or proper nutrition. 6
7 Obesity is defined as an excess of body fat. To determine if someone is obese, you calculate their Body Mass Index, from a scale of 18.5 to 40 and above. If you are in the range between 30.0 and 34.9 you are defined as obese. And if 40.0 and above you are defined morbidly obese. 62% of the Bronx’s population is either overweight or obese.
The quickest outlet for obesity is from the consumption of fatty foods. In one meal at McDonalds is 1,000 calories. Yet that so many people live a fast lifestyle, they continue to consume fast food. These days with the acquisition of the “Dollar Menu”. People consume large quantities of calories at an inexpensive. For families who eat on a budget, the “Dollar Menu” is a good, inexpensive choice. 8
Exercising persistently can reduce your risk of obesity and other health related risks such as heart attack, stroke and gallbladder disease. Walking long distances, or riding your bicycle for a couple minutes, not only burns calories but keeps you active. Some people spend money on a new pair of sneakers, when they could be subscribing to a membership at a local gym. 9
Healthcare is medical service provided to prevent, manage and treat disease. 28% of Bronx residents do not have healthcare, which means, they cannot receive aid, and in an emergency must fill out paperwork to receive help. Diseases such as obesity and diabetes cannot be treated just by one’s immune system, sometimes they require medical assistance. 11
With healthcare, surgical procedures are reduced, and prescription medicines are provided for the improvement of the patient. Some residents believe they do not need health insurance, but those who do have seen vast improvement and have adjusted their lifestyles. Exchanging a snack from a bag of chips to a bag of granola go a long way! 12
During our time with our mentors, we visited a number of locations in the Bronx. When arriving at the location we were designated and assigned to analyze things such as the people, any local recreational centers (parks, gyms, playgrounds), schools, etc. When then visited either a local supermarket, corner store or Farmer’s Market. Afterwards we discussed and concluded our results. 13
Observations: Diverse Area, Many Corner Stores, Multiple Restaurants w/ different cultures, Many Apartments, Local Park and High School. Conclusions: The area seemed to be of low income, with many people seeming to be overweight or obese. 14
Our group proceeded to go to a Western Beef Supermarket located a few blocks from 174 th St. Observations: Own frozen meats sections, staff of butchers wearing gloves at all times, person over audio system, healthy products placed on shelves above/below eye level. Conclusions: Even though the area seemed to be of low income, they still have a high quality supermarket, with reasonable prices. 15
Observations: Highly populated area, majority Hispanic people, many shopping outlets and fast food restaurants, many women w/ families, many projects w/graffiti. Conclusions: The area was of a low income and had an overall look of poverty. The area had an appearance of being unwanted, with a number of overweight and obese people. 16
During that day, there was a Farmers Market located right next to Poe Park on Grand Concourse. Observations: The owners of the Farmers Market were Spanish and spoke both Spanish and English, there was a variety of food but more of Mexican culture (Tomatillo and Jalapeno peppers, herbs and ingredients), the prices were very cheap. 17
Conclusions: Unlike Southern Blvd, this area was more populated with Hispanic people and the area was more oriented for Hispanic people. But also like Southern Blvd it seemed to be of a low income area. 18
In conclusion, our hypothesis was correct, each part of the Bronx had its components of a high, medium and low income. And depending and how many people reside in an area and what choices they make, income may adjust to the needs of the people. 19
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We would like to thank… Brandon Burton Scott Rami Nutrition Group 2009 Dr. Sat and HCS Staff The Audience For Listening! 21