Unit 3 Vocabulary The Tiger Third Grade
brilliant very smart and intelligent After thinking about it for a while, Jose came up with a brilliant idea for keeping trash off the playground. smart, intelligent, superb unintelligent synonyms antonyms Part of Speech ***** adj.
capture to take by force, or to grab and hold on to something The police were able to capture the robber in his home and put him in jail. synonyms antonyms catch, conquer Part of Speech ***** v release, let go
continent one of seven large areas of the land on the Earth. North America is the continent that we live on. none synonyms antonyms a big piece of land Part of Speech ***** n
crew a group of people working together The whole crew on the spaceship got along really well and worked together. synonyms antonyms team, squad Part of Speech ***** n solo
doze to fall asleep for a short time; nap My dad was so tired, he dozed off during the play. synonyms antonyms slumber, snooze, nap Part of Speech ***** v wake
perform to act or entertain Bozo the clown performed a song and dance at the circus. synonyms antonyms entertain none Part of Speech ***** v
plunge To dive into; to fall down quickly The eagle flew through the air, and then plunged toward the ground to catch a mouse. synonyms antonyms dive, drop into soar Part of Speech ***** v
predator an animal that eats other animals; the opposite of prey Polar bears look cute, but they are also fierce predators that hunt seals. synonyms antonyms hunter, killer prey Part of Speech ***** n
primary first in importance or order The primary reason Phil went to Mexico was to visit his cousins. synonyms antonyms main, predominant least, last Part of Speech ***** adj
wander to move or walk around without going straight to something Veronica wandered around the park for a while. synonyms antonyms roam stay Part of Speech ***** v