Friday, October 12, 2012 ALL HOMEWORK IS DUE NOW, IN THEBASKET! JOURNAL: Please count and number all of your journals for the first quarter. Leave them out on your desk. Get out a piece of paper, something to write with, and your the RED PONY packet. AGENDA HOMEWORK IN BASKET EXTENDED RESPONSE READ AR!
Tuesday, October 16, 2012 Journal: Essential Question: As a student, how can you inform others, through your unbiased analysis of non-fiction texts, about the candidates running for President of the United States? Are you going to watch “A Great Debate 2012” tonight? Why/why not? AGENDA I CAN understand the differences between biased & unbiased. I CAN define: biased & unbiased. Assignment Discussion Analyze Visual Text Framework Notes “A Great Debate 2012” EDMODO
Wednesday, October 17, 2012 Journal: Essential Question: As a student, how can you inform others, through your unbiased analysis of non-fiction texts, about the candidates running for President of the United States? AGENDA I CAN define Fact & Opinion. I CAN discuss my analysis of last night’s debate. I CAN demonstrate an understanding of the nonfiction, moving, visual text we watched last night.
Thursday, October 18, 2012 Journal: Essential Question: As a student, how can you inform others, through your unbiased analysis of non-fiction texts, about the candidates running for President of the United States? AGENDA I CAN define Rhetorical question, Parallelism, and Propaganda. I CAN annotate and discuss my analysis of the articles I read. I CAN demonstrate an understanding of the nonfiction text I have read in class through discussions.
Friday, October 19, 2012 Journal: Essential Question: As a student, how can you inform others, through your unbiased analysis of non-fiction texts, about the candidates running for President of the United States? AGENDA DROP EVERYTHING AND READ ZERO VIOCE LEVEL
Monday, October 22, 2012 JOURNAL: Are you going to watch “A Great Debate 2012” tonight? Why/why not? AGENDA I CAN define Sarcasm, Bandwagon, and Allusion. I CAN annotate and discuss my analysis of the articles I read. I CAN demonstrate an understanding of the nonfiction text I have read in class through discussions. Computer Research Framework Notes from credible sources Level 1 Voice
Tuesday, October 23, 2012 Journal: Essential Question: As a student, how can you inform others, through your unbiased analysis of non-fiction texts, about the candidates running for President of the United States? AGENDA PLACE EXTRA CREDIT IN BASKET DROP EVERYTHING AND READ ZERO VoiCE LEVEL
Wednesday, October 24, 2012 JOURNAL: FIST LIST: Trace your left hand on your journal page. In the palm, write President Obama. On each digit, list one FACT that you have learned, about the President, during your reading, research, and observations. AGENDA I CAN read and discuss feature articles with my “Hot Topic” group, making note of new words and their meanings. I CAN summarize what I have read in discussions with my group. I CAN annotate feature articles to find credible sources to gather information and link up with other articles.
Thursday, October 25, 2012 JOURNAL: FIST LIST: Trace your right hand on your journal page. In the palm, write Governor Romney. On each digit, list one FACT that you have learned, about the governor, during your reading, research, and observations. AGENDA I CAN read and discuss feature articles with my “Hot Topic” group, making note of new words and their meanings. I CAN summarize what I have read in discussions with my group. I CAN annotate feature articles to find credible sources to gather information and link up with other articles.
Friday, October 26, 2012 Journal: Essential Question: As a student, how can you inform others, through your unbiased analysis of non-fiction texts, about the candidates running for President of the United States? Please respond! AGENDA I CAN read and discuss feature articles with my “Hot Topic” group, making note of new words and their meanings. I CAN summarize what I have read in discussions with my group. I CAN annotate feature articles to find credible sources to gather information and link up with other articles.
Monday, October 29, 2012 Journal: Essential Question: As a student, how can you inform others, through your unbiased analysis of non-fiction texts, about the candidates running for President of the United States? Please respond! AGENDA Last day to work through my notes to make sure I am ready to give my speech orally and succeed in all areas presented on the RUBRIC! I CAN analyze my annotations to gather information from credible sources, making note of new words to support my speech.
Tuesday, October 30, 2012 Journal: Why are test scores important to my future? AGENDA EXPLORE SCORES in DEPTH I CAN analyze test data to see what I need to do to succeed and be college and career ready when I am a Senior in High School! SPEECH READY TO PRESENT TOMORROW!
Wednesday, October 31, 2012 JOURNAL: HAPPY HALLOWEEN! BOO! AGENDA PRESENT SPEECHES I CAN present my information, in speech mode, to my peers.