Less than 14% of the time 1 night or less per fortnight If you care for your child for less than 14% of the time, then you are not entitled to any Family Tax Benefit payments or associated benefits.
Between 14% and 35% of the time 2-4 nights per fortnight If you care for your child between 14% and 35% of the time, you are not entitled to any Family Tax Benefit payments, but may receive associated benefits such as rent assistance or a Health Care Card.
Between 35% and 65% of the time 5-9 nights per fortnight If you care for your child between 35% and 65% of the time, the Family Tax Benefit payments may be split between both parents, calculated by a pre-set formula from the Department of Human Services.
Table Source: Department of Human Services - Information Booklet about your claim for Family Assistance
More than 65% of the time 10 nights per fortnight If you care for your child for more than 65% of the time, you may receive 100% of the FTB for which you are eligible.