Literary Devices 4/30/2012
Tone Author’s attitude toward a subject Positive: hopeful, enthusiastic, sympathetic, humorous Negative: insulting, condescending, desperate, scornful Neutral: reflective, sincere, shocking, inquisitive
Simile Comparing two things using “like” or “as” Ex: “Janie saw her life like a great tree in leaf with the things suffered…”
Metaphor Comparing two things Ex: “Put me down easy, Janie. I’m a cracked plate.” Ex: Her love bloomed with the changing of the seasons.
Personification Giving human-like qualities to non-human objects Ex: “…the panting breath of the breeze…”
Hyperbole Extreme exaggeration Ex: I’m starving to death.
Imagery Descriptive language appealing to the five senses (sight, sound, taste, touch, smell) Ex: “The porch was boiling now.” Ex: “She was a wind on the ocean.”
Symbols When something represents an idea or person Ex: A red cross represents medical aid.