T EST T OOLS U NIT VI This unit contains the overview of the test tools. Also prerequisites for applying these tools, tools selection and implementation.
Types of test tools 1.Tools for test management and control 1.Easy capturing, cataloging, administration of test cases 2.Status tracking of test cases 3.Support project management aspects during testing (resource and schedule planning for tests) 4.Help test manager to plan tests and know the status of 100 or 1000 of test cases 5.Support requirement based testing (they capture the requirements and link them with test cases needed for validation 6.They are not only test tools but great help to derive tests from the requirements and to plan tests relative to the implementation status of every requirement.
Incident Management 1.Documentation 2.Administration 3.Prioritization 4.Allocation 5.Statistical analysis of incident reports 6.The complete workflow from problem detection via bug fixing to regression testing can be determined and supported.
Configuration Management 1.Keep track of different versions and builds of software 2.Keep track of different versions of documentation and test ware. 3.Due to this it is possible to trace the test results if a test run on certain version
Tool Integration (Test mgmt tool) 1.It is important to integrate test tools. The test management tool is the key for this 1.Requirement mgmt tool requirements used for test planning test status can be watched and traced 2.Test mgmt tools test execution with the help of test procedures test results 3.Test mgmt tool + incident mgmt tool plan for retest generated 4.Configuration mgmt every code change is connected to the incident Such a tool chain makes it possible to completely trace the test status from the requirements, through the test cases and test results, to the incident reports and code changes.
Tools for test specification 1.In order to make test cases reproducible, the pre and post conditions as well as test input data and expected results must be specified 2.Test generators can support the test designer in generating test data 3.The following approaches are classified depending of test basis 1.Database based test data generator : process database schemas and are able to produce test database from these schemas. 2.Code based t.d.g. : produce test data by analyzing the test object’s source code. 3.Interface based t.d.g. : Analyze the test object interface, identify the interface parameter domain, and use equ.class part.And bva to derive test data from these domain. 4.Specification based t.d.g.: Use a specification to derive test data and appropriate expected results.
Tools for static testing 1.Before execution of source code 2.Find faults in easy phases of development cycle. 3.Decreases cost & development time 4.Review support tools 1.Help to plan, execute & evaluate reviews 2.Store info. About review meetings, participants findings and their resolution and results 3.Checklist can be included online and maintained. 5. Static analysis tools 1.Measures such as cyclomatic complexity number and other code metrics. 2.It helps to identify complexity of code, risk in code etc. 6. Model checking tool 1.Read the structure of a model and check the display static characteristics.
Tools for dynamic tesing 1.Tools for automating dynamic tests 2.Debugger 1.Allows execution of program line by line, halting the execution at any line of code, setting and reading program variables. 2.Useful for enforcing certain special test situations such as data storage overview etc. 3.Serve as test interfaces 3.Test drivers 1.Commercial products or individually developed tools 2.Mechanism for executing test objects through their program interface as well as without user interface. 3.Reduce the programming effort for the test environment (creates dummy stubs during unit testing)
Tools for dynamic tesing..conti.. 4.Simulators 1.Simulates the actual application environment as realistically as possible. E.g. airplane testing. 5.Test robots 1.Also known as capture / replay or capture/playback test. 2.Same as video recorder 3.It logs all manual inputs by tester (keyboard inputs and mouse clicks etc.). These inputs are then saved as script. These test scripts can be repeated automatically by playing it back.
Selecting test tools 1.Requirement specification for the tool application (tester knowledge about tool, ease of integrate it with development environment, platform, manufacturers service, reliability and market position, price, maintenance cost etc.) 2.Market research (creating an overview of possible candidates) 3.Tool demonstrations and creation of short list 4.Evaluating the tools on the short list 5.Reviewing of the results and selection of the tool
Tools introduction 1.After a selection has been made, the tool shall be introduced to the company. Usually a pilot project is run to verify whether the expected benefits can actually be achieved in the context of a real project environment. 2.Important success factors during rollout are 1.Stepwise introduction 2.Integrate tool support with the processes 3.Implement user training 4.Make available rules and suggestions for applying tool 5.Collect usage experiences and make them available to all users (hints, tricks, FAQ’s etc.) 6.Monitor tool acceptance and gather and evaluate cost-benefit data. 3.Successful tool introduction follows following steps 1.Execute a pilot project 2.Evaluate the pilot project experience 3.Adapt the processes and implement rules for usage. 4.Train the users 5.Introduce the tool in a stepwise fashion 6.Offer accompanying coaching