Clinical Initiatives Supporting the Treatment of Tobacco Use Dependence Jim Bluhm, MPH Project Manager Blue Cross and Blue Shield of Minnesota Center for Tobacco Reduction & Health Improvement National Conference on Tobacco OR Health November 2002
Center for Tobacco Reduction & Health Improvement Blue Cross and Blue Shield of Minnesota Over 2 million members Not-for-profit Statewide network of clinicians Full portfolio of commercial and government health insurance products u Individuals national employers
Center for Tobacco Reduction & Health Improvement Nearly 5 years post - settlement… MN Supreme Court reverses lower court ruling Blue Cross and Minnesota Department of Commerce reach agreement on use of settlement proceeds Current lawsuit delaying use of settlement proceeds Blue Cross commitment to tobacco reduction remains firm
Center for Tobacco Reduction & Health Improvement Investment in Prevention Cornerstone of A Healthier Minnesota Science-based Multi-faceted Four essential elements: u clinical interventions u local initiatives u high-risk populations outreach u public awareness campaigns
Center for Tobacco Reduction & Health Improvement Blue Cross Approach Combines traditional health plan and clinical efforts with aggressive member, employer and community initiatives. Both treatment and prevention, youth and adult, individual and population-based programs. Builds on existing relationships with members, clinicians, employers, and communities.
Center for Tobacco Reduction & Health Improvement Clinical Initiatives Counseling Supported - office visits and tobacco counseling phone line Cessation Pharmacy Benefit Incentives and Recognition Provider Training Clinical Resources Research
Center for Tobacco Reduction & Health Improvement Clinical Guideline Recommendations for Insurers All insurance plans [should] include as a reimbursed benefit u counseling u pharmacotherapy treatments. Clinicians [should be] reimbursed for providing tobacco dependence treatment just as they are reimbursed for treating other chronic conditions. Treating Tobacco Use and Dependence Public Health Service, 2000
Center for Tobacco Reduction & Health Improvement Blue Cross Office Visit Medical Policy v New payment policy for ICD 9 code (tobacco use) v Outpatient treatment of tobacco dependence is treated just like visits for other medical illnesses (e.g., diabetes or hypertension). 3 According to the benefit package the patient (or employer) has purchased.
Center for Tobacco Reduction & Health Improvement Practical Application of Policy for our Members: “Just as you would seek a doctor’s advice and treatment for diseases such as diabetes or heart disease, you can now do the same to treat tobacco addiction.”
Center for Tobacco Reduction & Health Improvement Medical Claims Utilization Number of Office Visit Claims by Quarter Medical Claims
Center for Tobacco Reduction & Health Improvement BluePrint for Health stop-smoking program Phone-based individualized counseling based on expert system Available for ALL Blue Cross and Blue Shield of Minnesota members No additional cost, co-pay or deductible Part of a statewide quit line
Center for Tobacco Reduction & Health Improvement Patient Education: Minnesota’s Tobacco Phone Counseling Lines Patient education information card Jointly developed by ALL MN health plans & statewide quit line To date, +300,000 distributed to clinics and communities
Center for Tobacco Reduction & Health Improvement Clinical Initiatives Counseling Supported - office visits and tobacco counseling phone line Cessation Pharmacy Benefit Incentives and Recognition Provider Training Clinical Resources Research
Center for Tobacco Reduction & Health Improvement Cessation Medication Benefit Coverage Nicotine patch, gum, inhaler, spray, Zyban All fully-insured members Self-insured groups make own coverage choices Member pays regular co-pay
Center for Tobacco Reduction & Health Improvement Pharmacy Claims Utilization Number of Pharmacy Claims by Quarter Pharmacy Claims
Center for Tobacco Reduction & Health Improvement Clinical Initiatives Counseling Supported - office visits and tobacco counseling phone line Cessation Pharmacy Benefit Incentives and Recognition Provider Training Clinical Resources Research
Center for Tobacco Reduction & Health Improvement Tobacco Use Dependence Guideline Incentive Program Primary care clinic incentive program u Based on managed care membership Promotes implementation of tobacco use prevention and cessation clinical practice guidelines, ICSI or USPHS. Requires health care delivery systems to follow the Plan, Do, Check, and Act (PDCA) continuous quality improvement process.
Center for Tobacco Reduction & Health Improvement Making a Healthy Difference Awards Non-monetary award presented to clinics, medical groups and systems Recognizes achievement in quality improvement and demonstrate innovative approaches in meeting patient needs Clinics/systems receive a plaque commemorating their efforts, publicity in both Blue Cross publications and their local media, and a celebratory luncheon
Center for Tobacco Reduction & Health Improvement Clinical Initiatives Counseling Supported - office visits and tobacco counseling phone line Cessation Pharmacy Benefit Incentives and Recognition Provider Training Clinical Resources Research
Center for Tobacco Reduction & Health Improvement Annual Clinical Systems Forum Interactive forum for primary health care providers to discuss innovative, successful and systems-based approaches to implement USPHS and ICSI tobacco use dependence guidelines. Keynotes u Michael Fiore, MD, MPH u Ed Wagner, MD, MPH, FACP
Center for Tobacco Reduction & Health Improvement Blue Cross Sponsored Training and Seminars Mayo Clinic Nicotine Dependence Seminar u Since 1999, over 245 clinician scholarships awarded University of Minnesota -- Tobacco Use Research Center, Department of Psychiatry and School of Public Health u Since 2000, over 200 clinicians trained
Center for Tobacco Reduction & Health Improvement Pharmacy Benefit Manager Clinical Education Sessions Education and information on the treatment of tobacco use incorporated into 3 clinical education sessions To date, over 200 clinicians educated CME’s and lunch offered as incentive Specific training devoted specifically to tobacco use dependence nearing completion
Center for Tobacco Reduction & Health Improvement Clinical Initiatives Counseling Supported - office visits and tobacco counseling phone line Cessation Pharmacy Benefit Incentives and Recognition Provider Training Clinical Resources Research
Center for Tobacco Reduction & Health Improvement Clinical Resources
Center for Tobacco Reduction & Health Improvement Clinician Resource Packet
Center for Tobacco Reduction & Health Improvement Personalized Quit Plan Tear Sheet
Center for Tobacco Reduction & Health Improvement Clinical Initiatives Counseling Supported - office visits and tobacco counseling phone line Cessation Pharmacy Benefit Incentives and Recognition Provider Training Clinical Resources Research
Center for Tobacco Reduction & Health Improvement Research Quality Improvement in Clinical Systems (QUICS) study -- PI: Larry An, MD u Questions Being Addressed: 4 What systems are in place in Minnesota primary care clinics to support tobacco use treatment? 4 How are existing systems related to treatment of tobacco use? 4 What are the opportunities for increasing support for tobacco treatment in Minnesota?
Center for Tobacco Reduction & Health Improvement Our purpose W E MAKE A H EALTHY D IFFERENCE IN PEOPLE’S LIVES.