Context Inspired Component Architecture (CICA) Welcome to the Defense Logistics Management Standards Office (DLMSO) In Process Review (IPR) November 16, 2006
Administrative Remarks Restrooms are located past the elevator on the left Lunch is being provided Receptionist: (703) , Fax: (703) A phone line to check is available. Wireless internet access is not available Questions
Agenda Introductions/Objectives8:30-8:40DC Review of each BTA initiative 8:40-9:15 Project Leads MANTECH9:15-10:15MANTECH Break10:15-10:30 Data Team Issues/Update10:30-11:00Marva ANSI/CICA/XML11:00-12:00Tommy SDR12:00-12:30Bob Lunch (in the building)12:30-1:15 PRC Updates1:15-2:15 Supply20 minutesEllen Finance20 minutesAundra DODAAD20 minutesJackie JPIWG/JSACG2:15-2:45Mary Jane Break2:45-3:00 DTEB/JDDE/Viz Transaction3:00-3:30Lori Jumpstart Update3:30-3:45Pete Wrap-up3:45-4:00DC