Randi Pellitteri 3 rd grade Informational Writing Science: Georgia
Georgia Writing Test –The Georgia Grade Three Writing Assessment covers four types of writing: narrative, informational, persuasive, and response to literature. –Informational Writing Assignments may be related to all content areas specified in the Grade 3 GPS Writing assignments may be related to any type of non-fiction writing whose purpose is to inform or explain a topic to a reader. For example, the informational samples collected for this guide on the topic of minerals may use technical vocabulary such as igneous, metamorphic, or sedimentary rocks.
Pre-assessment Prompt –The teacher will use the following prompt as a pre- assessment for her third grade students: –1. You are going to think about a person that you really look up to and admire. –2. Then, you will complete a rough draft explaining why you admire this person. –3. I will give you about 45 minutes to complete your draft. –4. Please do not worry too much about spelling and punctuation. This assessment is only so I will know exactly what I need to teach the class about expository writing. –5. You many begin when I give the signal.”
Prewriting: Grouping Grouping Arrangements: Explanation of Instructional Grouping Options: –whole-class structure –all students hear same information about completing graphic organizer. –time saved because all students can ask questions together
Prewriting: Grouping Explanation of Grouping Options Relating to Students’ Developmental, Cultural, and Linguistic Needs: –Developmental: whole class instruction gives students the chance to hear the instructions more than once –Cultural: whole group instruction gives student the benefit of hearing directions in English. –Linguistic: students who have difficulty with mechanics and subject-verb agreement will benefit from my whole class instruction because it will serve as a correct model for them. The students will hear correct grammar, which will have an impact on their writing.
Prewriting instructional strategy explain definition of informational writing introduce students to ABC book format introduce students to graphic organizer show my model practice graphic organizer with whole class
Prewriting assessment each person draws letter out of basket students choose a topic that starts with that letter students complete their own graphic organizer using the letter they pulled
Prewriting: Accommodations modified form of the graphic organizer to complete number of facts required from the student will depend on ability level provide students with list of possible topics from them to choose
Prewriting: Accommodations student who does not speak English allowed to complete graphic organizer with assistance of translation book or computer program peer tutor may also assist student in completing work students who have difficulty with issues such as subject-verb agreement allowed to ask a partner to proof read graphic organizer
Drafting instructional strategy explain drafting stage show my draft model practice drafting with class –turn class organizer into draft on chart paper –students contribute ideas for sentences
Drafting assessment -students use their graphic organizers to turn thoughts into complete ideas -students don’t worry about spelling, grammar, punctuation, capitalization, etc.
Revising instructional strategy -discuss revising stage with class -show my revising model -revise class draft with the whole class
Revising assessment -students complete revisions independently -students find a partner and take turns reading drafts to each other -listeners give feedback on content of partner’s draft
Editing instructional strategy -discuss editing stage with class -show my editing model -edit class draft with the whole class
Editing assessment -students complete editing independently -students find a partner and take turns reading drafts to each other -listeners give feedback on mechanics of partner’s draft
Publishing instructional strategy -discuss publishing stage with class -show my published model -publish class ABC book page with entire class by rewriting it on new chart paper