Forward hard measurement by a W/Si calorimeter Y. Kwon, J. H. Kang, M. G. Song (Yonsei Univ.) 1
4 presentations will be made in sequel… One presentation must be made (pressure from convener ), and it is impossible to prepare one short presentation understood by a general public. 4 presentations will be Generals & response to signal ( 1 st ), Background ( 2 nd ), Embedding and signal extraction ( 3 rd ), and (Beam test) data presentation ( 4 th ). Next step will be to report contribution to ALICE and competitiveness to CMS/ATLAS counter parts. Presentation schedule 2
General operation SEG0SEG1 SEG2 y z PADSTRIPW Each tungsten layer : ~1 radiation length. R M ~ 1.5 cm e 3
Schematics (y-z view) SEG0SEG1 SEG2 y z PADSTRIPW 1.5 cm Pad y-index = 0 Pad y-index = 1 Pad y-index = 55 4
Schematics (y-z view) The whole detector is covered by 4x4 tile ( or 6 cm x 6 cm ) sensors. Each pixel in the left plot corresponds to a pad. 5
Detector layout SEG2SEG1 SEG0 Preamp crate 7
Readout configuration Preamp hybrid 7 vertical channels grouped (cost issue) 8 pad sensors in one carrier board 8
Carrier board & packaged sensor Carrier board & packaged sensor 9 Somewhat old board to house 4 sensors instead of 8. Sorry for being lazy! Back side Front side
Sensor on a wafer 6 cm x6 cm cm x1.5 cm
Electro-Magnetic components , e + /e - ( + / - ? … not a big deal ) Hadronic components + / -, p, n, p, n, K + /K - /K L, … 11 Response to signal _
Characteristic response to EM signal e’s at =2, p T =10 (GeV/c), =0.174 Characteristic response to EM signal e’s at =2, p T =10 (GeV/c), = Energy deposition within a few pads Look at log scale! Rapid drop in energy deposition between SEG1 & SEG2… because bulk of the energies are lost in SEG0 and SEG1. Central pad index
Energy spread over pads e -, =2, p T = 10 (GeV/c), = Each box in plot corresponds to a single pad. So, only few pads get most of the deposited energy. Also, recollect minor leakage into SEG2 from SEG0 and SEG1.
Is 2x2 pad tile enough? It depends on , but OK for ALICE! 14 = 2.6 Next 3 pages use old convention. SEG (0,1,2) (1,2,3)
Is 2x2 pad tile enough? It depends on , but OK for ALICE! 15 = 2.0
Is 2x2 pad tile enough? It depends on , but OK for ALICE! 16 = 1.6
Condition All particles in this study are with similar kinematics – =2.0, =0.174 Note MIP plays major role in energy distribution between W/Si/Other materials in FOCAL. Key differences in longitudinal energy deposition – : Simple MIP – e/ : Full & early energy containment – + /p : Fluctuation in the 1 st hadron interaction Hadron rejection factor ~1/200 p T = 10 GeV/c, just with longitudinal profile difference, = 95% ) 17 Longitudinal shower development & Particle ID
Single hard e or (EM Shower by many MIP+… ) 18 SEG0SEG1 SEG2 y z PADSTRIPW
Energy into FOCAL components e’s, =2, p T = 10 (GeV/c), = SEG0 SEG1 SEG2 WSiOthers % of energy in W
in – e, ( =2.0, =0.1745) in – e, ( =2.0, =0.1745) 20
y z SEG0SEG1 SEG2 PADSTRIPW Single hard hadron ( shower by ’s from secondary 0 ’s +… ) 21
Energy into FOCAL components +, =2, p T = 10 (GeV/c), = SEG0 SEG1 SEG2 WSiOthers % of energy in W Passing hadrons Interaction at SEG0 + SEG1 + SEG2
in – +, ( =2.0, =0.1745) in – +, ( =2.0, =0.1745) 23
E.M. & Hadronic signal together 24 /p/pbar
Used setting : =2, p T = 10 (GeV/c), = Selection – E 0 > 0.05 (selection 3) – E 1 > 0.12 (selection 2) – E 2 < 0.07 (selection 1) Resulting efficiency with caveat – : 95% – p, + : 0.5% – E sum for p, + is smaller than that of e, . There would be effectively bigger rejection than this number! 25 Can we identify e, from hadrons(p, + ) using longitudinal shower development?
E sum for + and surviving selection 1,2, % 95%