AGENDA Background Rule Amendments Valuation results Trustees duties/funding Questions
BACKGROUND Number of meetings in 2010/11 between Transnet and Task Team Recommendation by Portfolio Committee 75% of CPI prospective increases 3.2% uplift 5 months pension once-off TPF is a separate entity which is managed independently from other Transnet funds TPF – 3 sub funds (Transport Pension Fund post 2007) Transnet sub fund has pensioner members and 809 active members No bonuses paid to date - rule amendments awaiting approval
RULE AMENDMENTS Rule amendments long awaiting approval (June 2010) Lots of pressure on employer, trustees iro pensioner expectations and comparison with TSDBF Different rules per sub-fund : Current : All sub funds - pen increases at 2% Amended : Transnet - pen increases at 2% plus ad hoc bonuses Amended : Prasa - pen increases at 75% CPI plus ad hoc bonuses Amended : SAA - pen increases at 5.5% hurdle rate (75% CPI) plus ad hoc bonuses None of Portfolio Committee recommendations can be paid based on current rules Portfolio Committee recommendations would require another set of amendments subject to employer approval being obtained
VALUATION RESULTS (31 March 2011) – PC Recommendations The Transnet Sub Fund can afford the cash flow consequences of all PC recommendations – the implementation method is to be determined, subject to employer approval Scenario (R’m)TPFTransnet sub fund Assets Current Liability PC recommendations Reserves Total Liability Surplus/(Deficit) Funding level105.2%104.0%
TRUSTEES DUTIES It is not possible to give benefits outside provisions of rules and legislation The Board of Trustees need to ensure that the fund’s financial condition remains sound (including reserves) I can assure you the Transnet sub fund Board of Trustees is committed in providing better benefits to its pensioners
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