Marina Artuso WG1 CKM 20061 Status and future perspectives on V cs and V cd Marina Artuso Syracuse University.


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Presentation transcript:

Marina Artuso WG1 CKM Status and future perspectives on V cs and V cd Marina Artuso Syracuse University

Marina Artuso WG1 CKM    weak V CKM mass Wolfenstein eigenstates eigenstates parameterization To 3 in real part & 5 in im. part Motivation: unitarity constraints CKM unitary  described by 4 parameters (3 real, 1 imaginary: e.g. A,  ), but each quark mixing is in principle measurable  highly constrained system This talk focuses on unitary test on the second row

Marina Artuso WG1 CKM V cs and V cd from charm semileptonic decays Received a lot of attention in recent years because of developments in lattice QCD (see R. Van de Water presentation) Pseudoscalar hadronic final states preferred because they are stable to strong decay e+e+ W+W+ V cq D  We measure : Theory input Squared 4- momentum transfer In D rest frame

Marina Artuso WG1 CKM Two approaches Assuming V cs and V cd known (Stone’s talk) D  K  K*  l  D  l  determine form factor shapes & distinguish among models + test lattice QCD predictions (see S. Stone talk, WG2/3 joint session) Note that lattice checks comparing semileptonic ff & f D can be done independently of knowledge of CKM parameters Assuming lattice predictions OK (this talk) measurements of V cd & V cs

Marina Artuso WG1 CKM Experimental methods  DD production at threshold: used by Mark III, and more recently by CLEO-c and BES-II.  Unique event properties  Only DD not DDx produced  Large cross sections:  (D o D o ) = 3.72  0.09 nb  (D + D - ) = 2.82  0.09 nb  Ease of B measurements using "double tags“  B-factories (e + e - ) + fixed target & collider experiments at hadron machines  D displaced vertex  D * +   + D 0 tag World Ave  s ) D0D0  K e+e+ e-e- Continuum ~14.5 nb

Marina Artuso WG1 CKM Theoretical Tools Lattice QCD  Theory (unquenched QCD), still has moderate systematic errors; however theoretical accuracy can be improved in a controlled fashion. QCD Sum Rules 1. Equating phenomenological and theoretical spectral functions; 2. Determination of theoretical spectral functions by calculating two or three-point correlators in perturbative QCD, including corrections from the OPE Many parameters, difficult to improve their accuracy in a systematic fashion. Phenomenological models Important contributions to our understanding of charm decays No way to improve these predictions in any systematic way

Marina Artuso WG1 CKM Lattice results for D  K(  ) e e semileptonic decays two form factors are needed to describe the vector current matrix element : f + (q 2 ) and f 0 (q 2 ), (only f + (q 2 ) needed if m l negligible) Lattice QCD calculates both f + and f 0, since they can be fit simultaneously imposing the constraint f + (0)= f 0 (0) Fermilab-MILC-HPQCD reported results using 2+1 flavors of improved staggered quark to implement non-quenched f.f. calculation Dominant systematic error from heavy quark discretization (7% of the overall 10% uncertainty)

Marina Artuso WG1 CKM A snapshot of theoretical predictions Other predictions are available from quenched lattice QCD calculations, QCD sum rules and form factor models f + (0)[D  K]f + (0)[D  ] Ref. N f = (3)(7)0.64(3)(6) Aubin et al., PRL94, (2005) N f =00.71(8)0.62(7) Average reported in hep-ph/ QCD sum rules 0.79(14)(8)0.61(11) Khodjamirian, hep-ph/ with updated inputs

Marina Artuso WG1 CKM CLEO-c results – tagged analysis K-K- -- e+e+ K+K+ Signal events: U = E miss – |P miss | = 0 Tag allows to determine signal D 0 momentum Signal semileptonic decay 281 pb -1  310K D +  160K D 0

Marina Artuso WG1 CKM CLEO-c results untagged analysis Unspecified other side D decay, collect other showers and tracks Use neutrino reconstruction like B  l Higher statistical accuracy, worse systematic error Samples overlap

Marina Artuso WG1 CKM D  K,  e Branching Fractions FNAL-MILC-HPQCD precision lags experiment. preliminary D → K e + ν D → π e + ν FNAL-MILC- HPQCD

Marina Artuso WG1 CKM Form-Factor Parameterizations In general Modified Pole Series Expansion Hill & Becher, Phys. Lett. B 633, 61 (2006)

Marina Artuso WG1 CKM Form factor data and FNAL-MILC- HPQCD predictions FNAL-MILC-HPQCD calculation uses modified pole model to fit for form factor from “measured”points [PRL 94, (2005)] FF predictions: D  Ke f + (0)=0.73±0.03±0.07   =0.50±0.04±0.07 D  e f + (0)=0.64±0.03±0.06   =0.44±0.04±0.07 CLEO-c preliminary-tagged Fnal-MILC-HPQCD

Marina Artuso WG1 CKM Belle,BaBar,FOCUS D  K,  ℓ form factors data BELLE: PRL 97, (2006) [hep-ex/ ] BaBar: hep-ex/ FOCUS: PLB607, 233 (2005) [hep-ex/ ] ~2.5k signal events 232 signal events Belle, 282fb -1, fully reconstructed events, excellent q 2 resolution Unquenched LQCD Quenched LQCD Simple pole model 75fb -1 FOCUS: ~13k events q 2 (GeV 2 ) Kℓ  ℓ Kℓ + FOCUS published Belle FNAL MILC HPQCD: Aubin et al., PRL94, (2005) Aubin et al., PRL94, (2005) Abada et al., NuclPhys B619, 565 (2001)

Marina Artuso WG1 CKM Summary of lattice-experiment comparison Belle.. D 0  K - e +  Assuming V cs = D0  - e + e Assuming V cd = FNAL.MILC- HPQCD

Marina Artuso WG1 CKM Using semileptonic width and form factors Using the preliminary CLEO-c semileptonic widths  (D  Ke e ) =(8.7  0.16) x10 -2 ps -1 and  (D  e e )= (0.76  0.03)x10 -2 ps -1 and FNAL- MILC-HRQCD  (D  Ke e )/|V cs | 2 and  (D  e e )/|V cd | 2 V cs =0.966 ± [exp] ± [th] V cd =0.225 ± [exp] ± [th] Relies on correct shape and normalization of the form factors

Marina Artuso WG1 CKM CLEO-c untagged form factor analysis Decay Mode|V cx | c (stat) ± (sys) ± (theory) PDG06 Value D 0  K ± e ± ± ± ± ± (charm exclusive sl width, smaller data sample) D 0   ± e ± ± ± ± (  interactions, later) D ±  K 0 e ± ± ± ± ± D ±   0 e ± ± ± ± Combine measured |Vcx|f + (0) with FNAL-MILC-HPQCD value for f + (0)PRL 94, (2005)

Marina Artuso WG1 CKM A check on the theory D + →   50 signal candidates, 2.8 bgd Missing mass 2 = (E beam -E mu ) 2 -(p D -p m ) 2 (GeV) 2 CLEO-c results based on 281 pb -1 (tagged) BR(D   )=(4.4  0.7  0.1)  BR(D  e ) <2.4  BR(D  t ) <3.1  (more details on Stone’s talk) Ratio does not depend upon V cd

Marina Artuso WG1 CKM Comparison with FNAL-MILC- HPQCD predictions. Data and theory are consistent within error

Marina Artuso WG1 CKM W branching ratios and V cs LEP-2 performed measurements sensitive to |V cs | from on-shell W ± decays: Using: |V ud | 2 +|V us | 2 +|V ub | 2 +|V cd | 2 + |V cb | 2 = ± |V cs | = ± Error includes contributions from uncertainties on  s and other CKM parameters, but is dominated by ± from the measurements of the W branching fractions DELPHI tagged W +  cs analysis |V cs | = 0.94 ±

Marina Artuso WG1 CKM Neutrino/anti-neutrino interactions and V cd Method: +d  c+   |V cd | 2 B   average semileptonic branching ratio of charm] ---- |V cd | 2 d c <|Vcd| 2 B   x10 -2 [pdg 2006] B  =  | V cd |=0.230  (5% accuracy)

Marina Artuso WG1 CKM Summary Best V cs direct determination, using  exp (Ke ) and lattice form factors: Best V cd direct determination from  interactions With these inputs and |V cb |=(41.6  0.6)x10 -3 [pdg 2006] unitarity constraint on the 2 nd row gives: Error dominated by theoretical uncertainty in |V cs | Tagged fit Untagged fit

Marina Artuso WG1 CKM Future prospects CLEO-c expects to accumulate 750 pb -1 at the  increased statistics will allow to pin down shape of form factors and constrain theoretical calculations Further refinements of lattice calculations (now dominating errors) are under way  Goal to determine |V cs | and |V cd | down to a few % accuracy