National Young Leaders Day Spark your potential!
Speaker 1-Sam Johnson (Student Army Volunteer). Being a leader is knowing how to get people to work as a team.Have a voice and opinion.Always have hope and inspiration.DO WHAT IS RIGHT!
Speaker 2-Dave Atkinson (Attitude Programmer) Stick up for what’s right (Say NO if necessary) Choose good friends Live for others Do things for others Be a positivity disease
Speaker 3-Cam Calkeon (Disabled Athlete) “I always believed in myself” Show what is in your heart Overcome your fears Achieve your goals Be proud Encourage Dream big, achieve more
Speaker 4-Dillon Boucher (Basketball player) GIve100% Be confident No matter what ability you have - always work hard Teamwork – be a positive member of the team Respect your elders Treat others like you’d like to be treated
Speaker 5-Annah Mac (Singer) Keep going with your dream or your goal Don’t listen to mean opinions from others Listen to yourself Be confident in who you are
Speaker 6-Lydia Ko (Golfer) Sometimes you have to make sacrifices Never give up on whatever you do Learn from your mistakes
Speaker 7-Nick Tuitasi (Youth Worker) SPARK Undiscovered potential
By Emily Tian & Breanna Jury On behalf of the student council Student Council: Emily Tian, Breanna Jury, Roisin Guinan, Bianca Matulich- Watson, Jacob Lynch, Patrick Dempsey, Ellen Fromont, Robin Reps, Katie Harris, Max Ongley, Andrew Large, Ella Flores, Sarah Holt, Amelia De La Vega, Amy Southon, Megan Smith, Joel Cook & Bridgette Carne with Daniel Woo & Nicholas Joynt.