Lesson 21: Circumcision, the Law, the Gentiles & the Will of God (15:1-35)
Overview of the Passage & Helpful Facts for Further Bible Study A.Judaizers came to Antioch contending that circumcision was essential for salvation (15:1-5). 1.Judaizers were individuals who required allegiance to elements of the Law of Moses. 2.Specifically, they believed that circumcision was equally essential as faith or baptism. 3.This included some Pharisees, who had been converted but still held to the Law (15:5). 4.This contention was directed at the Gentile Christians, who were not circumcised. 5.Paul and Barnabas boldly and widely contended on behalf of uncircumcised Gentiles. I.
A.It is sinful to bind where God has not bound or to loose where God has not loosed! 1.The Judaizers sought to bind circumcision as a salvation issue. 2.However, God does not require it! 3.In and of itself, circumcision is not a “right or wrong” act in the sight of God. 4.However, to bind it as a condition of salvation perverts the gospel of Christ (Gal. 1:6-7). B.It is right and proper to contend earnestly for the faith! 1.“Paul and Barnabas had no small dissension and dispute” (15:2). 2.Truth cannot be and must not be compromised (Gal. 2:5). 3.Arguing, disputing, debating & contending on behalf of truth is necessary (cf. Jude 3)! II. Significant Truths from this Passage for Our Understanding
Overview of the Passage & Helpful Facts for Further Bible Study B.The apostles & elders gathered to discuss the Gentiles’ relationship to the gospel (15:6-21). 1.Even among the apostles and elders, there was “much debate” (15:7). 2.The prominent voices emphasized what God had done and what God had said. 3.Peter reminded them that God sent him to preach salvation to the Gentiles (15:7-11). I.
C.The conditions of salvation are the same for everyone! 1.God’s plan of salvation does not vary in stipulations based on man’s circumstances! 2.God “made no distinction” between Jew and Gentile in His plan of salvation (15:9). 3.All “shall be saved in the same manner” – whether Jews, Gentiles or us today! 4.It is “the faith” (the gospel system) that saves & purifies hearts (15:9), not the O.T. II. Significant Truths from this Passage for Our Understanding
Overview of the Passage & Helpful Facts for Further Bible Study B.The apostles & elders gathered to discuss the Gentiles’ relationship to the gospel (15:6-21). 1.Even among the apostles and elders, there was “much debate” (15:7). 2.The prominent voices emphasized what God had done and what God had said. 3.Peter reminded them that God sent him to preach salvation to the Gentiles (15:7-11). 4.Paul and Barnabas told how God had been working among the Gentiles (15:12). 5.James pointed to the O.T. prophets for God’s eternal plan for the Gentiles (15:13-21). 6.James called for a letter to be written to their Gentile brethren (15:20-21). I.
Overview of the Passage & Helpful Facts for Further Bible Study C.The apostles & elders sent a letter to the Gentiles expressing full acceptance (15:22-29). 1.Along with Paul and Barnabas, Judas and Silas carried the letter to Antioch (15:22). 2.The premise of the letter: “We’ve heard brethren are troubling you” (15:24). 3.The purpose of the letter: “Confirmation that keeping the law is not required” (25-27). 4.The prescription of the letter: “Hold yourself away from the effects of idolatry” (28-29). I.
Overview of the Passage & Helpful Facts for Further Bible Study D.Paul, Barnabas, Judas & Silas stayed and worked with the church in Antioch (15:30-35). 1.The Gentiles rejoiced when the encouraging letter was read about their salvation (31). 2.Judas & Silas practiced what they preached regarding tolerance/acceptance (32-33). 3.Paul and Barnabas continued teaching and preaching (present tense verbs). I.
A.We should not allow ourselves to be distracted or diverted by false teaching! B.We must remember to yield to God’s will and not try to propel our will over His! III. Practical Points of Application for Our Lives