Photo and Video Technology and Human Rights Advocacy
Photos Picture is worth a thousand words What do you need? one image which tells the story photos for a slideshow/photo gallery Great for blogs, but also for Facebook
Different images: Overall wide picture Variety of details, portraits, tight and wide shots Mix higher/lower/closer/further... For 10 final pictures make 100 photos
Making decent photos Difficult to make really good photos. Easy to make awful photos Also easy to make decent photos.
Bad composition
Good composition
Bad timing
Good Timing
Perfect timing
No photos? Be creative
Rule of thirds Imagine two vertical and two horizontal lines each dividing the picture in three vertical / horizontal segments.
Bad composition again
Good composition again
Once again "Picture is worth a thousand words." 1000 words = hours of writing spend enough time making 1 picture
Videos This is not a video making school :) You don't need to know how to make video. Focus on good raw footage. Learn how to make good raw footage. Let others collect, edit it and make videos.
Two simple rules 1. hold your camera still "Uncle" syndrome 2. make long shots longer - easier to edit
Infographics, interactive maps, text to movie...
Assignment: There is no assignment for this week :)