Circular Endings Types We Will Learn About: 1.Circular Stories 2.Full Circle Endings 3.Circle Ending/ Echo
There are 2 typical ways of ending your narrative: The chronological end of the story Using the hook to provide the ending ( This is what we will do for our memoirs.)
Examples: Alice in Wonderland- Alice, having dismissed the characters in Wonderland, wakes to find herself again at home. Wizard of Oz- When Dorothy realizes "there's no place like home," she returns back to Kansas. Lord of the Rings- the hobbits return home after their travels to very exotic lands. Circular Stories: The narrative ends at the same place it started (literally.)
Below is the first line of S. E. Hinton's classic YA novel, The Outsiders. Guess what?! It is also the last line in the book!!! "When I stepped out into the bright sunlight from the darkness of the movie house, I had only two things on my mind: Paul Newman and a ride home." Full Circle Ending: The reader is taken back to a sentence in the hook of the story
Circle Ending: Returns to the theme in the lead. It will echo a phrase or word used in the lead to bring the reader full circle. The Echo: Like the Circle Ending, the echo ending will repeat a word or phrase, but this time it’s repeated throughout the entire piece, not just at the end. Other Types of Full Circle Endings: Which is very similar to The Echo:
A good ending leaves the reader feeling satisfied and pleased that they've read the piece. Endings should not : be too abrupt (stop too quickly) ramble on aimlessly (talk too much) feel as if it has been 'tagged' on to the end of the article. (tag on the explanation of why these ideas matter at the end & never mention them anywhere else in the piece) Conclusion Do’s and Don’ts:
The most effective way of ending your piece is to look at the hook you developed and use it to conclude your piece. You can do this in two ways: Completing the circle: resolving the issue presented in your hook. For memoir: tell how theme has/is/will affect your life. Un-hooking the hook: answering the 3 questions posed in your hook (IF you used questions in your hook. This doesn’t apply to piece that don’t start with 3 questions.)
Hook Type 1. An article looking at how to reduce the likelihood of your children developing food allergies. THE HOOK: But can you actually do anything to reduce the chances of your child developing a food allergy? THE ENDING: Yes, food allergies are on the rise. Statistics show that they have doubled in the past ten years and scientists fear that this increase shows no signs of abating. But now you know how to reduce the risk of your child developing a food allergy, hopefully your child will not be one of these statistics.
These are very useful if you have posed a question in your hook and answered it in the body of your writing piece. Your ending should make a statement proving that you have answered the question. And again, it should provide your reader with a sense of closure. Un-hooking the hook endings
The Hook: Is the increase in allergies in any way linked to our increased use of chemicals around the home? Could it be that by cleaning our homes we are killing our children? THE ENDING: While some scientists remain skeptical of the hygiene hypothesis, they cannot rule it out as a possible trigger for allergies. I know one thing for certain. Mrs. X won't be using any more anti-bacterial cleaners in her home, and after talking to her, I don't think I will be either.
The Hook: You don't need to go to an anti-acid to help your tummy feel better after lunch; you can do something to feel better sitting at your desk. The Ending: So, go on, before you reach for that digestive, reach up and stretch your abs instead. Your wallet and your body will feel better for it.