To express strong objection To change or improve PROTESTant REFORMation
Reformation Spreads Martin Luther’s ideas spread quickly (w/the help of the printing press) Translated the Bible into German (vernacular) Broke away from the Catholic Church and formed a new denomination (sect), called Lutheranism
Reformation Spreads England: King Henry VIII refused to recognize the Catholic Church & started the Church of England
Reformation Spreads France/Switzerland: John Calvin preached the idea of “predestination” - that some people had been chosen by God for salvation
a.k.a: Counter-Reformation – movement to help people remain loyal to the Catholic Church Catholic Reformation Ignatius of Loyola
Jesuits tried to the spread of Protestantism Converted non- Christians to Catholicism Catholic Reformation Formed Schools
Council of Trent (Italy, ) Catholic Reformation
Council of Trent (Italy, ) Catholic Reformation CC’s Bible interpretation is final Faith + good work = salvation Indulgences are valid … BUT sale of them is not allowed
Council of Trent (Italy, ) Catholic Reformation Index of Forbidden Books, 1559 Burned books dangerous to Catholicism (including Protestant Bibles)
Legacy of Reformation Protestant churches & new denominations flourish Catholic Church loses power Monarchs/Nations gain power