Unscheduled Care In NHS Fife Dr Brian Montgomery Medical Director
Unscheduled Care 24/7 arrangements to provide unplanned care Primary Care In hours 0800h – 1800h Out of Hours – evenings, overnight and weekends Secondary Care 24/7 Partner Organisations
Safe Effective Person Centred Efficient Timely Equitable
Unscheduled care considerations SAFE Safety of Patients Safety of Staff EFFECTIVE Quality of Care Clinical Linkages Sustainability Cost Effectiveness PERSON CENTRED Access Geography
PCESMIUSASNHS24A&E Patient Partners in Unscheduled Care
A&EPCESMIUSASNHS24 Patient Home Admit
Unscheduled care considerations NHS Fife’s current model needs to change Clinical standards Clinical linkages Safety
The challenge for today What is the best service configuration for unscheduled care to meet the needs of the population served by NHS Fife?