PERCEPTUAL COMPENSATION FOR COARTICULATION Perceptual compensation for coarticulation: an effect of context-moderated perception that compensate for coarticulatory influence of the speech sounds. Perceptual correction (Ohala 1981: 182) Failure to compensate, erroneous compensation misperception Why care perceptual compensation? To understand how humans achieve faithful sound transmission To understand how misperception could occur sound change
EXAMPLES OF PERCEPTUAL COMPENSATION F1 of precursor influences [i]/[e] decision (Ladefoged & Broadbent, 1957) Speech rate influences [i]/[u] decision in [w_w] context (Lindblom & Studdert-Kennedy, 1967) Influence by: adjacent segment: Mann & Repp, 1980; Lotto & Kluender, 1998; Beddor & Krakow,1999; Harrington et al., 2008 Lexical status: Ganong, 1980; Elman & McClelland, 1988 Precursor sentence: Ohala & Shriberg, 1990
PREVIOUS STUDY ON ALVEOLAR / /- FRONTING (OHALA & FEDER, 1994) Stimuli: [i] – [u] continua (with following [də] or [bə]) Factors: Alveolar, Bilabial Acoustic or Noise Findings: 1) Listeners compensated for coarticulatory frongting in alveolar context. 2) Listeners did so both in Acoustic and Noise contexts VbəVbə VdəVdə
HYPOTHESIS H1: The /i-u/ boundary would be more leftward for alveolar context than for bilabial context. H2: The similar boundary shift would occur both in ‘Acoustic’ and ‘Noise’ conditions. H3: The boundary discrepancy would become progressively greater as speech rate increase from slow to medium to fast. Exploration: H4: Whether vowel perception is influenced by presence or absence of precursor sentence. (acoustic mode vs. speech mode?) H5: Whether Reaction Time (RT) for /u/-response is influenced by context or not. (perceptual contrast?)
STIMULI 10 equal-step /i/ - /u/ continuum (Praat) Separate a source from natural utterance. Apply a filter (5 peak fequencies and bandwiths) Duration = 100 msc Formant (Hz) bandwidth (Hz) F F F F F
STIMULI 10 equal-step /i/ - /u/ continuum (Praat) cont. Variable F2 and F3 F Hz Hz (0.18 Bark) F Hz Hz (0.5 Bark) Vowel duration: 100 msc (also 80 msc and 120 msc) Amplitude contour first and last 15 ms F0 contour: 130 90 Hz F3: (Hz) F2: (Hz)
STIMULUS CVC Add onset and coda to the vowel Alveolar: [dit] – [dut] Alveolar in Noise: [NiN] – [NuN] Bilabial: [bip] – [bup] Bilabial in Noise: [NiN] – [NuN](Vowel onset to C2 release = 170 msc)
EXPERIMENTAL DESIGN w/o Precursor: Stimulus presented in isolation Task: two-alternative forced-choice between /i/ and /u/ w/Precursor: Stimulus presented after “I guess the word is _____” Trials: 10 tokens x 4 repetition = 40 trials per cell Block: Context – blockedAcoustic vs. Noise – mixed; Fast, Medium, Slow – blocked Listeners: Native speakers of Am-Engl. (n=32: 18F, 14M; yrs old) Context ConditionsAlveolar ‘deet’ /‘doot’ Bilabial ‘beep’ /‘boop’ w/o precursor Acoustic (100)[dVt][bVp] Noise (100)[NVN] w/ precursor Fast (800-80)[dVt][bVp] Med. ( )[dVt][bVp] Slow ( )[dVt][bVp] H1 H3 H2 Q1 Q2: RT
THIS IS HOW THE EXPERIMENT GOES (1) Acoustic Noise Press [1] Press [5] for for ‘deet’ ‘doot’
THIS IS HOW THE EXPERIMENT GOES (2) Acoustic Noise Press [1] Press [5] for for ‘beep’ ‘boop’
THIS IS HOW THE EXPERIMENT GOES (3) Fast Medium Slow Press [1] Press [5] for for ‘deet’ ‘doot’
RESULTS: NOISE VS. ACOUSTIC * CONTEXT Percentage of /u/-Response by Context and Condition NoiseAcustic /u/-Response (%) Stimulus Step Number
RESULTS: NOISE VS. ACOUSTIC * CONTEXT (RT) Reaction Time for /u/-response Effect of Contexts (Paired T-Test) N: [t=-0.69 (31), p=0.499] R: [t=-1.60 (31), p=0.123]
RESULTS: PRECURSOR * CONTEXT Percentage of /u/-Response by Condition and Context t=0.91 (31), p=0.371 t=2.68 (31), p=0.012 * /u/-Response (%)
RESULTS: PRECURSOR * CONTEXT (RT) Reaction Time for /u/-response Effect of Contexts (Paired T-Test) Without: [t=-1.6 (31), p=0.120] With: [t=-2.26 (31), p=0.031] *
RESULTS: SPEECH RATE * CONTEXT Percentage of /u/-Response by Context and Condition Effect of Contexts (Paired T-Test) Slow: [t= (31), p=0.938] Medium: [t=2.684 (31), p=0.012] * Fast: [t=4.657 (31), p<0.001] * /u/-Response (%) Fast Slow Medium Stimulus Number
RESULTS: SPEECH RATE * CONTEXT (RT) Reaction Time for /u/-response Effect of Contexts (Paired T-Test) Slow: [t= (31), p=0.876] Medium: [t= (31), p=0.031]* Fast: [t= (31), p=0.498
SUMMARY AND DISCUSSIONS No compensation when consonantal contexts were replaced by white noise and “assumed” contexts were given visually. Degree of boundary shift varies across stimuli and experimental condition: Greater shift with precursor sentences than without it. Progressively greater boundary shift as speech rate increases Reaction Time for /u/-response Significant context effect (A <B) in majority of conditions Degree of Compensation for coarticulation may be influenced by speechlike-ness of the stimuli. Compensation is triggered when linguistic expectation plays a role in perception. Compensation could be incomplete. Perceptual Compensation may be related to contrast enhancement. On the linguistic theory of sound change: Assimilatory sound change by incomplete correction?
Thank you!!