Individuals with Disabilities Act A law created to help protect the education rights of students with disabilities.
Something that is due to a person by law. Examples - voting - getting an education -owning property
Things you are accountable for Examples - paying your bills -getting to your job on time -turning in school work
People who are responsible_____________ ex.- do not blame others for their poor choices People who are not responsible ___________ ex.- blame others for their mistakes
Common excuses for not taking responsibility for ones actions: Reasons for taking responsibility for yourself:
What are some things you are responsible for in your life? What happens when you don’t take care of that responsibility?
Child Find - part of IDEA that states that school districts are responsible for identifying students with disabilities. FAPE - Free Appropriate Public Education - Schools must provide students with disabilities an education.
Accommodations -Changes to how a student does his or her work. Ex. Have extended time to take the test Accommodations List
Modifications - Changes to the work students must complete. Ex. Answering one essay question instead of all of them on a test Modifications list