Human Services Planning Board (HSPB) Process for Getting from ‘Talk to Action’ using Results-based Accountability (RBA) December 2015
Results-Based Accountability (RBA) How much did we do? How well did we do it? Is anyone better off? 2
Making Ends Meet in York Region Community Model for Change 3
4 Steps What are the key steps? What is this and why is it important? How does this fit in the Board’s work? 1 Identify Target Population RBA starts by identifying a target population. This allows the Board to collectively focus its efforts on a specific segment of York Region’s population. The Board’s target population is: Low and moderate income residents (households earning $78,000 or less annually) 2 Define Community Result(s) This step defines the conditions of well-being we want to achieve for the target population. The Board is defining two community results: 1.Housing affordability 2.Progressive employment 3 Discuss Experiences Experiences are the bridge between the results and the indicators. This step grounds the Board’s work by asking how the target population experiences the community results (i.e., how do low and moderate income residents see, hear, or feel the housing challenge in York Region?). Process for Getting From Talk to Action
5 Steps What are key steps? What is this and why is it important How does this fit in the Boards’ work 4 Define Indicator Areas Once the community results are defined in plain language and in experiential terms, then we can look for data that tells us how we are doing in achieving the results. Indicator areas are defined for both community results in the Board’s Community Model for Change. 5 Baseline Measures A baseline measure is created for each indicator area. Baselines have two parts: a historical part that tells us where we have been and a forecast that says where we are headed. Baselines allow the Board to define success as “turning the curve” away from the baseline. 6 Story behind the baselines This step identifies the causes and effects behind the baseline. This step will identify the root causes behind York Region’s housing and employment challenges.
6 Steps What are the steps? What is this and why is it important? How does this fit in the Board’s work? 7. Identify Partners Who are the partners that have a role in improving the community results? Partners could include HSPB Members as well as other individuals and organizations that need to be around the table. 8. Strategy and Action Plan An action plan is created based on set criteria. The Board will engage their individual organizations in ‘turn the curve’ discussions to identify individual and collective commitments to support housing affordability and progressive employment opportunities. HSPB will develop housing and employment-related Board Actions that engage all board members. Process for Getting From Talk to Action
For more information on the Human Services Planning Board: Contact: HSPB Staff Secretariat ext