Make Your Own Mini-Book Instructions Step 1: Have students type their text on each page. (Note: You may want them to write their “mini-book” in Word first.) Step 2: Next, have them format the text by changing the font, type size, style of text, or color. They may also want to add pictures or graphics. Step 3: After they have written their mini-book, have them print out Slide 1. Then reinsert that page into the printer face up with the Title page facing right. Print the second page of the mini-book. They now have one sheet of paper printed front and back. Step 4: Tell students to fold the top half of this page away from them. Next, fold the left side behind the right side. Step 5: Finally, cut the tops of the pages so the book can be opened. (Have an adult help with this part). Students now have an 8-page mini-book.
TITLE HERE BY YOUR NAME HERE Page 5Page 4 Page 8Page 1 Enter text here, and then format it the way you like. IMPORTANT: You will need to rotate this text box upside down before printing by dragging from the green circle at the top of this box. Tip: It is easier to rotate if you hold the [SHIFT] key while dragging. Enter text here, and then format it the way you like. IMPORTANT: You will need to rotate this text box upside down before printing by dragging from the green circle at the top of this box. Tip: It is easier to rotate if you hold the [SHIFT] key while dragging. Enter text here. Format the text whatever way you like. Add a picture or graphic. Insert Picture or Graphic
Page 3` Page 6 Page 2Page 7 Enter text here. Format the text whatever way you like. Add a picture or graphic. Enter text here, and then format it the way you like. IMPORTANT: You will need to rotate this text box upside down before printing by dragging from the green circle at the top of this box. Tip: It is easier to rotate if you hold the [SHIFT] key while dragging. Enter text here, and then format it the way you like. IMPORTANT: You will need to rotate this text box upside down before printing by dragging from the green circle at the top of this box. Tip: It is easier to rotate if you hold the [SHIFT] key while dragging.