Land Navigation Module 1 Introduction to Reading a Military Map
Instructor SSG Chad Wilson SSG Richard Schilling
Class Objectives Understand the Layout of a Military Map Identify the Main Terrain Features Determine Elevation on the Ground using Contour Lines Understand how to find a 4, 6, and 8 digit coordinate using MGRS / Protractor Understand how to find distance between to points (straight line and Road)
Understand the Layout of a Military Map Heading Scale Grid Lines Contour Lines Contour Interval G-M Angle / Convesrsion
Heading Scale Grid Lines G-M Angle / Conversion Margin
Contour Lines
Main Terrain Features / Colors Hilltop Valley Ridge Spur Draw Cliff Depression Cut Fill Blue-Water Brown-Contour Lines Black-Manmade structures Red- Roads Red/Brown-Roads on red light safe Maps Green-Vegetation
Cliff (continued)
Man Made Terrain Features Cut & Fill
Finding a 4, 6, and 8 digit coordinate using MGRS / Military Protractor Remember the most important rule RIGHT and UP
How to find distance between two points (straight line and Road)
Pace Count Learn your Pace Count – Counting the number of paces you take to estimate the distance you travel. You need to determine your standard pace for various conditions (at least one for walking and one for running) on a fixed course of known length. Because the map is flat, it takes more paces to cover the same map distance going up or down hill than on flat terrain.
Pace Count Lay out a straight Line 50 Meters Long Walk the 50 Meters do an About Face and Walk it Again. Count every time your Foot touches the Ground. Alternate Method is to count every time your left foot touches the ground.
Pace Count Up Hill- Paces Are Naturally Longer Down Hill Paces Are Naturally Shorter