Professional Learning Changes for Georgia Educators Moving to Implementation 2015 - 2017.


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Presentation transcript:

Professional Learning Changes for Georgia Educators Moving to Implementation

Your workshop facilitator is –David M. Hill, Ph.D., GaPSC Director of Educator Preparation & Certification, Purpose of workshop Your agenda and handouts Workshop structure Introductions

The Good the Bad and the Ugly

What is different? That was easy!

Flat World of Professional Learning Failure to connect Lacked relevance A one size fits all Totally useless

Flat World of Professional Learning

Overview of the Certificate Renewal Requirements Rule, Overview

House Study Committee on Professional Learning Recommendations of the Study Committee Task force work, use of focus groups, development of recommended rule changes New Certificate Renewal rule adopted by GaPSC in April 2015 ( ) Rule effective date is July 1, 2017 Rule is available at Background of Rule Change

May 8, 2015 – HB 164 signed by Governor –Further extends the suspension of PLUs through June 30, 2017 July 1, 2017 – effective date of new rule for certificate renewal –Educators whose certificates expire on June 30, 2018 & beyond will be under the new PL model The next 2 years…… Significant Dates

Leadership Perspective on the New Professional Learning Model Starring Rhonda Baldwin, Nikki Mouton, Karen Smits, David Hill Video

Job-embedded learning in PLCs for active educators Other options for inactive educators PLGs – goals for those who perform at proficient or higher levels PLPs – plans for six categories of educators PLGs & PLPs based on data PLCs, PLGs, PLPs – the Basics

Professional tier educators rated proficient or higher on their annual evaluation will design their PL Goals (PLGs): –Based on data –Simplified – no need to include listing of resources, timeline, etc. –Will be accountable for successful implementation of their goals PL GOALS

Educators with required PLPs: –Induction level educators –Educators working on non-renewable certificates –Educators in new positions –Those returning after an absence from the profession –Educators new to the state –Those with annual performance ratings below proficient or below satisfactory Required PL PLANS

TLE Platform

Goal(s) Statement Data to support selection of the goal(s) Link to TAPS or LAPS performance standards Strategies Documentation Timeline PLP Components

PLPs or PLGs are developed & maintained locally, Aligned with individual evaluation results as well as with school & system professional learning plans For certificate renewal, the PLP or PLGs must be directly tied to annual performance evaluation & may be related to any of the following: –Field(s) of certification held; –School/District Improvement Plan; and/or –State/federal requirements. Certificate Renewal Changes

Schools and school districts will keep track of professional learning using whatever means they choose Reporting to the Professional Standards Commission will include –Assurance by superintendents and principals that the rule requirements are being implemented –Sign-off at the time of certificate renewal that the educator has been successfully engaged in continuous professional learning Certificate Renewal Changes

Educators in universities or in regional or state education agencies will renew in the same way educators who are employed in school districts do The organization must organize as a professional learning community to support job- embedded learning University faculty must focus their work on supporting P-12 school improvement Renewal Outside of Schools

–TKES, LKES, other evaluation data Student performance data Observational data/surveys 50% of teacher evaluation based on student data 70% of leader evaluation based on student data –Title IIA reviews –Principal & superintendent attestation: educators are engaged in continuous improvement work & meet renewal reqs. How will we know?

Tom Guskey’s work on evaluation of professional learning –Level 1. Participant reaction to the PL experience –Level 2. Participant understanding & intent to implement –Level 3. Structural changes to support implementation of PL are made –Level 4. Evidence that the participant routinely implements new learning; new learning becomes part of the educator’s practice –Level 5. Measurable changes occur in student learning Evaluation of Professional Learning

New World of Professional Learning Relevant On-going Use of team talents Neutralizes barriers Designed with student learning in mind!

What Does a PLC look like?

Break What dimension(s) of PLC are missing in your EPP? Which dimensions of PLC would make the biggest difference in your EPP if implemented?

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What were your thoughts about the video and what the principal encountered? Discussion

School Change Source: Model developed by Steven Barkley 26

Learning Community After completing the reading, with your partners Think about the concept of PLC, then work on this question: Which ideas in this handout & in the KSL chart will be difficult to implement with Georgia educators? 5 minutes from now we will debrief your group work Defining PLC

Job-embedded learning –Workshops will be supportive No longer primary, workshops will support job- embedded learning What do dimensions of PLC look like in my organization? –Organizations should begin examining PLC dimensions to determine what changes may need to be made –A simple protocol can be used for this purpose What does it look like?

Fall workshops for professional learning directors Winter & spring workshops for principals Spring workshops for higher ed Presentations at educator conferences Possible workshops for district-identified teacher leaders Where do we go from here?

Organizations must be proactive in making the transition to the new professional learning model to enhance learning opportunities for their employees State agency support Roles for universities & RESA Work in regional collaboratives Resources & Support for PL


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David Hill Division Director, Educator Preparation & Certification Contact Information

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