First steps of EPER in Hungary Csaba Sándor Environmental Management and Law Association (EMLA)
EPER in Hungary EPER database submitted to EU facilities reporting (from around 1000 under IPPC) 273 emmissions (chemical industry, power stations, food industry) EPER data extracted by Ministry from other reporting systems Map based information system launched by EMLA on (big media attention)
Info system: Map based search facility: –Zip, Company, Location Raw data available No connection with other databases yet Stats: 35,000 hits/month (from March on) Open source, free software
Info system:
Industry reactions 99% acknowledging community right to know Data OK for 2001 (errors corrected) Data not valid for 2003: –Phased out technology, not emmitting certain pollutants any more –Environmental measures implemented since 2001
Next... Connection with existing chemical database, links to info sources, explanation More user friendly informaion system Inquiring EPER companies for newer data, environmental measures Inquiring other IPPC companies for data Assisting the implementation of the PRTR protocol in Hungary (ideas welcome!)