How can funders encourage more effective research uptake? Exploratory Workshop Wellcome Trust 16 December 2014
Objectives: 2 Share experience on how research funders can encourage more effective research uptake Explore the appetite and scope for future collaboration in developing this agenda
Plan for the day MORNING Setting the context: Louise Shaxson (RAPID) Sharing experience: the funder’s perspective Coffee Sharing experience: the practitioner’s perspective AFTERNOON Lunch Identifying common threads Where next for this agenda? Wrap up/close 3 PARKING LOT
Sharing experience : the funder’s perspective 4 Han van Dijk (NWO) Tarah Friend (DFID) Nina Marshall (ESRC) Amy Kirbyshire (CDKN) Val Snewin (Wellcome Trust)
Sharing experience: the practitioner's perspective 5 Josine Stremmelaar (HIVOS) Caroline Cassidy (DEGRP/EPG) Vanessa Nigten (The Broker) + Evert-Jan Quak (Knowledge Platform Food & Business) Rosalind Goodrich (IIED) James Georgalakis (IDS)
Identifying common threads GroupApproach 1Building uptake into individual projects 2 Creating knowledge hubs to coordinate efforts within research programmes 3 Supporting knowledge intermediaries/brokers that work across multiple programmes 4Building capacity to use research evidence
Questions to address 7 What are the strengths/what situations does it work best? Challenges/limitations? How well can it connect with demand? How to balance excellence & impact? What should funders do differently to support this?
Where next? 8 Is there an appetite to pursue this discussion further? What would be most useful? Who else to engage? Who would like to lead/fund this? Immediate next steps?