Formal Semantics of Programming Languages 虞慧群 Topic 2: Operational Semantics
IMP: A Simple Imperative Language numbers N Positive and negative numbers n, m N truth values T={true, false} locations Loc X, Y Loc arithmetic Aexp a Aexp boolean expressions Bexp b Bexp commands Com c Com
(3+5) 5+ 3 Abstract Syntax for IMP Aexp a ::= n | X | a 0 + a 1 | a 0 – a 1 | a 0 a 1 Bexp b ::= true | false | a 0 = a 1 | a 0 a 1 | b | b 0 b 1 | b 0 b 1 Com c ::= skip | X := a | c 0 ; c 1 | if b then c 0 else c 1 | while b do c 2+3 4-5 (2+(3 4))-5 ((2+3) 4))-5
Example Program Y := 1; while (X=1) do Y := Y * X; X := X - 1
But what about semantics
Expression Evaluation States Mapping locations to values - The set of states : Loc N (X)= X=value of X in = [ X 5, Y 7] The value of X is 5 The value of Y is 7 The value of Z is undefined For a Exp, , n N, n a is evaluated in to n
Evaluating (a 0 + a 1 ) at Evaluate a 0 to get a number n 0 at Evaluate a 1 to get a number n 1 at Add n 0 and n 1
Expression Evaluation Rules Numbers n Locations (X) Sums Subtractions Products Axioms
Derivations A rule instance Instantiating meta variables with corresponding values
Derivation (Tree) Axioms in the leafs Rule instances at internal nodes
Computing a derivation We write n when there exists a derivation tree whose root is n Can be computed in a top-down manner At every node try all derivations “in parallel”
Recap Operational Semantics The rules can be implemented easily Define interpreter Structural Operational Semantics Syntax directed Natural semantics
Equivalence of IMP expressions a0 a1a0 a1 iff
Boolean Expression Evaluation Rules true false
Boolean Expression Evaluation Rules(cont)
Equivalence of Boolean expressions b0 b1b0 b1 iff
Extensions Shortcut evaluation of Boolean expressions “Parallell” evaluation of Boolean expressions Other data types
The execution of commands ’ c terminates on in a final state ’ Initial state 0 0 (X)=0 for all X Handling assignments ’ A notation: [5/X]
Rules for commands Sequencing: Conditionals: Atomic commands
Rules for commands (while)
Example Program Y := 1; while (X=1) do Y := Y * X; X := X - 1
Equivalence of commands c0 c1c0 c1 iff
Proposition 2.8 while b do c if then (c; while b do c) else skip
Small Step Operational Semantics The natural semantics define evaluation in large steps Abstracts “computation time” It is possible to define a small step operational semantics 1 “one” step of executing a in a state yields a’ in a state ’
Small Step Semantics for Additions
Summary Operational semantics enables to naturally express program behavior Can handle Non determinism Concurrency Procedures Object oriented Pointers and dynamically allocated structures But remains very closed to the implementation Two programs which compute the same functions are not necessarily equivalent
Exercise 2 (1) Evaluate a (X 4) + 3 in a state s.t. (X)=0. (2) Write down rules which express the “parallel” evaluation of b0 and b1 in b0 V b1 so that evaluates to true if either b0 evaluates to true, and b1 is unevaluated, or b1 evaluates to true, and b0 is unevaluated.