The Basic Parts of a PARAGRAPH
Topic Sentence (Attention Grabber) Tells the reader what the paragraph is going to be about. Helps you keep your writing under control Draws the reader into your paragraph Green to remind you that you want to make your reader want to keep going, or keep reading
Detail Sentences The main part of the paragraph Where you tell the reader about your topic by including specific details All of the sentences must relate to the specific topic of the paragraph and help it come alive for the reader Should be organized in the best possible order Yellow to remind you, the writer, to slow down and add details to SUPPORT your topic sentences.
Interesting Examples Add another fact or detail to the supporting detail sentences. May give a reason, fact, or extra detail. Remind you, the writer, to stop and add an interesting example to support a detail sentence.
Conclusion Sentence Comes after all the details have been included in the body of the paragraph Reminds the reader what the topic of the paragraph is really all about, what it means Leaves them informed, but still interested Green because you should simply restate the topic using different words. You want to remind the reader of the topic of your paragraph in the conclusion.
Examples My Dog Romeo is so much fun to play with. One reason he’s fun is because he loves to play catch. His favorite place to play catch is in our fenced in back yard. What’s also fun is that he follows me around the house with a toy and drops it on my foot. He does this so I will kick it. Additionally, he can catch just about anything. His favorite thing to catch is a Frisbee. Finally, he loves it when I pretend like I’m falling dead. He runs over to lick me while I am on the ground. Sometimes, Romeo is more fun to play with than any of my friends.