Borrowing Ideas From Education Integration Inclusion And Other Terms
Segregation Institutions Special schools Separate from students without disabilities
Least Restrictive Environment (LRE) From legislation (PL ) Educate in as close proximity as possible Exit special programs when demonstrate skills Fitting students into the general education environment
Mainstreaming From LRE not law Participation in general education environment when deemed academically/emotionally ready Change students with disabilities to fit into general education
Integration A process that consists of both the physical presences of persons with disabilities in settings where people without disabilities are typically present And participation in social interactions and relationships between people with and without disabilities in typical settings Selective placement. Must earn opportunity.
Regular Education Initiative About 1989 Education of students with mild disabilities in general education Did not address students with severe disabilities
Zero Reject From legislation (IDEA) No one is turned away from general education because of a disability
Inclusion In 1990s From Zero Reject not from law Schools where all children are educated in their local/home school In general education classes Necessary supports are provided Change environment
Recreation’s History Separate programs Integration Inclusion
Recreation and Inclusion When was the NRPA Position Statement on Inclusion adopted? October 24, 1999 What is the purpose of the statement? List the 4 inclusion concepts Right to leisure Quality of life Support, assistance, & accommodations Barrier removal