Spontaneous Disciple Making Process Disciple-making is an ongoing process, not a program or an event. There are several critical elements that make-up.


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Presentation transcript:

Spontaneous Disciple Making Process Disciple-making is an ongoing process, not a program or an event. There are several critical elements that make-up the disciple-making process. We will study each Element.

Vision and Desire come from God! We are to be obedient to Jesus Christ and fulfill the Great Commission that He gave us.

Prayer to know God’s specific will and direction for you. Develop a Prayer Calendar Team of 30 people to pray with you and for your ministry. Engaging Lost People in the Community; serving the lost and showing Christian love through doing deeds of kindness.

Find People who are Interested and Open to the Gospel. Begin a Discovery Group with the family or friends of the Person who is Interested and Open to the Gospel. Begin other Discovery Groups through their family and friends.

Baptize all who receive Jesus Christ as their Savior and Lord. Establish each new Christian in their faith using Dynamic Basics – One-to- One.

Recruit and develop a leader in each new Discovery Group using Dynamic Discipling One-to-One and ongoing Bible study to develop their character and skills.

Expand the present Church ministry or plant new Churches from these Discovery Groups. Continue to Mentor the Discovery Group leaders and Church Planters who are under your care using the Coach Training Workbook.

Vision and Desire come from God Is God giving you a vision and a desire to begin a disciple-making movement? If so, the following sessions will train you and help you develop a clear step by step action plan and equip you to begin. If so, the following sessions will train you and help you develop a clear step by step action plan and equip you to begin. Are You Ready?

Before you begin to do anything, you need to spend much time in prayer personally seeking God for His Vision and that He would give you a Desire to do His will. You need to discern God’s will and direction and not just ask God to bless your plans. You also need to recruit your team of Prayer Partners

You could make a list of 30 people and pray for one each day of the month. Call (or / text) them and pray with them and for them. Share that God is leading you to reach out into your community. Share any specific requests you have and ask them to pray for you.

Encourage them to develop a prayer calendar of their own. You should mobilize many other people (hundreds if possible) to pray for you as you develop and implement your vision to reach your community. Keep them informed of needs each week.

Start your Prayer Calendar now. List 30 people that you will pray with and for - one each day of the month. You could include your spouse, children and friends.

Before you write their names ask God to call to your mind the names of the people He wants you to pray with and for. Start with as many as you can and add more at a later date as God brings them to mind.

Spend time now on your Prayer Calendar. (Add Contact Information at a later time.) When you complete your list spend time praying for the name on today’s date.

Note: Each person on your Prayer Calendar is a potential person to begin a Discovery Group. As you keep them informed of what God is doing in your life as you develop your Discovery Group, many of them will want to follow your example and begin a Discovery Group of their own.