2-1 Defining Team Success Chapter 2
2-2 Nature of Team Success Managers and team members may see success differently Hackman’s three primary definitions of success relate to: The task Social relations The Individual
2-3 Nature of Team Success Completing the Task Group completes its task or reaches its goals Measuring performance may be difficult No alternatives to teamwork Unclear which solutions are best Project success does not mean team success Was a team necessary or beneficial for the task? Many benefits of a team occur in the long run
2-4 Nature of Team Success Developing Social Relations Social relations, group maintenance, viability A successful team performs its task and then is better able to perform the next assigned task Cohesion and communication necessary Example: Computer development team (Kidder)
2-5 Nature of Team Success Benefiting the Individual Teamwork personally rewarding due to: Social support Learning new skills Rewards from organization
2-6 Conditions for Team Success Group Composition Individuals possess knowledge, skills & abilities that match the task Members representative of the organization who have the power to implement group decisions Members must have the necessary group process skills to operate effectively
2-7 Conditions for Team Success
2-8 Conditions for Team Success Characteristics of the task McGrath (1984) Generate Choose Negotiate Execute Steiner (1972) ways efforts can be combined: Added together Limited by last member Averaged Selected Combined Task should be: Motivating, identifiable, meaningful
2-9 Conditions for Team Success Group Process Effective teams: Organize themselves to perform tasks Develop social relations to support their operations Assign leaders to provide direction and facilitate team operations Typically engage in two types of activities: Making decisions Performing tasks
2-10 Conditions for Team Success
2-11 Conditions for Team Success Organizational Context Culture of the organization Supportive cultures Support for teams Clear goals, well defined tasks Adequate resources Reliable information Technical and group process assistance Evaluation and reward systems Feedback necessary
2-12 Characteristics of Successful Teams Note: Factors important for success are different for production, professional, and managerial teams
2-13 Using Teams in the Workplace Benefits of Teamwork Improve efficiency and performance Improvement in job satisfaction and quality of work life Teamwork training improves employee’s technical and interpersonal skills
2-14 Using Teams in the Workplace Problems of Teamwork Mixed results of success Implemented with little consideration for applicability Improved performance in short run only Norms and cohesiveness Implementing work teams can be difficult
2-15 Using Teams in the Workplace Teams as a Fad Overemphasis of the value of teams due to psychological benefits Use of teams beyond where appropriate What is needed? Understanding of where/when teams should be used Understanding how to use teams effectively