ECED 4300 B Dr. Tonja Root Spring 2007 Fifth grade Concrete Poetry Carrie Pate Heather Wrye
Heather Wrye ECED 4300 B Dr. Tonja Root Spring th grade Concrete Poetry Prewriting
Concrete Poetry: poetry where the words of the poem are arranged in a picture form and the shape of the poem reveals the content
Characteristics of Concrete Poetry Can be written using words or sentences Words used are usually synonyms of the main idea. Use of sensory detail helpful
What is Prewriting? - Prewriting prepares you to write by organizing your ideas. Five steps to consider when prewriting: -Choose a topic. -Consider your audience. -Consider form -Consider function -Choose a graphic organizer
Burg, Brad (2002). Outside the Lines. New York, NY: G.P. Putnam's Sons.
Prewriting practice activity Introduce topic of the beach. Draw a graphic organizer on the board. Brainstorm ideas together using synonyms and sensory details Complete the web together.
Practice Activity for Prewriting beach
Assessment for Prewriting Allow time for students to choose a topic that pertains to nature Give students a graphic organizer Instruct students to brainstorm words or ideas dealing with topic on the graphic organizer Students will complete a graphic organizer about something in nature.
Carrie Pate ECED 4300 B Dr. Tonja Root Spring th grade Concrete Poetry Drafting
Concrete Poetry: a poem where the picture tells the content of the poem Definition
Drafting: -practice drawing a simple outline of picture -write words or sentences (synonyms and sensory details) around the picture
Janeczko, Paul (2001). A Poke in the I: A collection of Concrete Poems. Cambridge, MA: Candlewick Press.
Practice activity - draw waves and other beach shapes on chart paper using a dark marker -place another sheet over first drawing -begin writing sentences above or inside shapes
Assessment Activity Using main idea of graphic organizer developed during the prewriting stage, think of a shape for your poem. Allow students to draw or trace over shape Ask students to write sentences about the shape using synonyms and sensory details.