New Output Capabilities Enhanced Taxiway Movement Logic Gate Pushback / Powerback Flexibility Enhanced Gate Selection Improved Runway Exit Logic Contents 0
New Output Capabilities New Output Capabilities Background Simulation RUN History The size of the SIMU26 file may sometimes become too big for quick and easy extraction of useful data for reports SIMMOD 2.3.1: SIMU26 NI,0.,1 IN, ,1,0,UAL384#0,384.1_GORD.SFO,0,535,GNDACT AB, ,1,0 IN, ,2,0,NWA311#0,311.1_GMSP.SFO,0,532,GNDACT AB, ,2,0 IN, ,3,0,UAL383#0,383.1_GIAD.SFO,0,544,GNDACT AB, ,3,0 IN, ,4,0,TWA375#0,375.1_GSTL.SFO,0,544,GNDACT AB, ,4,0 IN, ,5,0,AAL1#0,1.1_GORD.SFO,0,532,GNDACT AB, ,5,0 IN, ,6,0,DAL145#0,145.1_GATL.SFO,0,535,GNDACT AB, ,6,0 IN, ,7,0,GCO213#0,213.1_GLAX.SFO,0,526,GNDACT EJ, ,12,0,? ~10 MB ANIMATION 1 1 NM A NM A HA 7 -1 A NM A HW 4 -1 A NM A NM A NM A RL 1 78 D RL 2 20 D RL 3 20 D RL 4 20 D RL D REPORTS ~5 MB 1 SIMU26 data are recorded at the start of the delay and contain the engine’s estimate of the delay end time
New Output Capabilities New Output Capabilities Implementation SOLUTION: Create another file for reports TRACE 303 SIMU44 Runway records Runway Crossing records Add’l RWY Crossing records for intersecting runways Departure Queue records Gate records Wheel records Deicing records Route records Item Code Iteration Number Aircraft Number Item ID Event / Item Parameters Simulation time In Simulation Time Out SIMU44 FORMAT: Same delimiter as for SIMU26 2 Data output occurs at the end of the delay, thus the actual simulation time is reported
New Output Capabilities New Output Capabilities Implementation Item Code Convention. RR refers to situations where a runway crossing intersects another runway. The RWY name in the record corresponds to the name of the RWY that this RWY Crossing intersects. WH means Wheels ON if it precedes the RW record and Wheels OFF if it follows the RW record with the same Aircraft number. Item Parameter is another way to tell ON from OFF RC is generated each time an AC exits RWY Crossing. Its time includes the entire time spent there, including all hold and engine spoolup times Comments 3
New Output Capabilities New Output Capabilities Example SIMU26 NI,0.,1 IN, ,1,0,UAL384#0,384.1_GORD.SFO,0,535,GNDACT AB, ,1,0 IN, ,2,0,NWA311#0,311.1_GMSP.SFO,0,532,GNDACT AB, ,2,0 IN, ,3,0,UAL383#0,383.1_GIAD.SFO,0,544,GNDACT AB, ,3,0 IN, ,4,0,TWA375#0,375.1_GSTL.SFO,0,544,GNDACT AB, ,4,0 IN, ,5,0,AAL1#0,1.1_GORD.SFO,0,532,GNDACT AB, ,5,0 IN, ,6,0,DAL145#0,145.1_GATL.SFO,0,535,GNDACT AB, ,6,0 IN, ,7,0,GCO213#0,213.1_GLAX.SFO,0,526,GNDACT EJ, ,12,0,? ~9.5 MB NI,0.0,1 GE,1,12,GTE_A10,D, , GE,1,25,GTE_D4,D, , GE,1,33,GTE_B10,D, , DQ,1,33,DAPT_01L_APT, , GE,1,42,GTE_G2,D, , RW,1,33,01L,D, , WH,1,33,OFF, RE,1,33,DAPT_01L_SW,19, , RC,1,6,28L_D, , , RR,1,6,28L_D,28L, , , SIMU44 ~ 0.82 MB Data for reports are now contained in a much smaller (an order of magnitude) and more manageable file SPECIAL HANDLING: SIMU44 will be written only if TRACE 303 is set ON SIMU44 can only be used for Delay Reports 4
Enhanced Taxiway Movement Logic Enhanced Taxiway Movement Logic Background In Figure 1, AC2 may have a higher ground link speed on GL_2 than AC1 has on GL_1. If the airfield layout is such that the wingspan of either or both aircraft would not allow passing, there is no method to prevent AC2 from arriving at GN_4 earlier than AC1 arrives at GN_2. EXAMPLE: This is a simple example of a class of situations where a different approach to taxiway movement logic would be appropriate FIGURE 1: AC 1 AC 2 GL_1 GL_2 GN_2 GN_4 GN_3 GN_1 5
Implementation Enhanced Taxiway Movement Logic Enhanced Taxiway Movement Logic GroundLink - GroundLink BLOCKING: GN_3 ? AC 1 AC 2 GL_1 GL_2 GN_2 GN_4 GN_3 GN_1 GL_1 may block GL_2 ? yes AC1 on GL_1 ? yes AC1 will block AC2 on GL_2 ? yes HOLD GN_3 until AC1 GN_2 yes Proceed AC1 on GL_1 no FIGURE 2: STOP ( This logic will work for parallel, opposite, intersecting, etc. ground links. ) 6
SPECIAL CARE: If AC1 is at GN_1 and AC2 is on GL_2 (see Figure 3), then, unless Reversible Blocking Flag is “T”, AC1 will go ahead Implementation Enhanced Taxiway Movement Logic Enhanced Taxiway Movement Logic SIMMOD inputs: New table in SIMU07: AFLINKBLOCKING It will include: Reversible Blocking flag (T or F) AFLink1 AFLink2 Mdl1 Mdl2 AC Model MDL1 on AFLink1 AC Model MDL2 on AFLink2 AC 1 AC 2 GL_1 GL_2 GN_2 GN_4 GN_3 GN_1 FIGURE 3: 7
Implementation Enhanced Taxiway Movement Logic Enhanced Taxiway Movement Logic AFLinkList1First (blocking) list of Ground Links AFLinkList2Second (being blocked) list of Ground Links MdlKyWdAC Model vs. Ground Group flag (“MDL” or “GRP”) Mdl1 AC Model or ground group, respectively, blocking while on AFLink1 Mdl2 AC Model or ground group, respectively, being blocked while on AFLink2 RevBlkFlg Indicator = “T” if blocking is reversible, “F” otherwise 8
Background SIMMOD 2.3.1: This is a good approach to gate pushback / powerback, but it lacks some flexibility. Gate Pushback/Powerback Flexibility PPBACK table in SIMU07 file Lists models that only allow Pushback PPTIME table in SIMU07 file Lists Pushback & Powerback time distributions for AC ground groups from TAMPS table GATES table in SIMU07 file Gate type info referring to Pushback & Powerback (0, 1, or 2) Sometimes it is necessary to allow different pushback time distribution for a certain AC Model, even if it belongs to a ground group listed in PPTIME table 9
New table in SIMU07: GATE_MDL_PP_TIME It will include: Implementation Gate Identifier List of Ground Links connected to the gate for which power/pushback is allowed List of AC models for which push and powerback times are presented by the distributions Gate Identifier List of Ground Links connected to the gate for which power/pushback is allowed List of AC models for which push and powerback times are presented by the distributions Powerback Time distribution Pushback Time distribution Powerback Time distribution Pushback Time distribution Figure 1 GTE_1 (gate type 1 or 2) GL_1 ACMDL1 ACMDL2 ACMDL3 GL_2 ACMDL3 ACMDL5 GL_3 Gate Pushback/Powerback Flexibility 10
Implementation Gate Pushback/Powerback Flexibility Gate Type = 0 ? Do NOT model PPBACK yes Gate Type = 1 ? PUSH BACK yes no AC Model listed in PPBACK ? no yes POWER BACK no AC Model, Gate, AFLink listed in GATE_MDL_PP_TIME ? Use time distribution from GATE_MDL_PP_TIME Use time distribution from PPTIME no yes 11
SPECIAL CARE: If the gate type is 2 (powerback unless the AC is push back only), the powerback distribution in GATE_MDL_PP_TIME will NOT be used if the model is listed in PPBACK. (in Example 1, only pushback will always be used for model 48 coming out of gate 1 along link 15 or link 26.) GATE_MDL_PP_TIME maximum 2 records ; gate1 GL15 GL ; MDL1 MDL2 MDL15 MDL ; Powerback time distribution ; Pushback time distribution ; gate1 GL15 GL ; MDL49 MDL ; Powerback time distribution ; Pushback time distribution EXAMPLE 1 PPBACK 48 PPTIME 1 ; GRG ; Powerback time distribution ; Pushback time distribution PPTIME 1 ; GRG ; Powerback time distribution ; Pushback time distribution Implementation Gate Pushback/Powerback Flexibility 12
Example 1 (Cont.) Gate Pushback/Powerback Flexibility Figure 2 GTE_1 GL_26 ACMDL48 ACMDL49 ACMDL50 ACMDL1 ACMDL2 ACMDL15 GL_15 GL_4 ACMDL48 ACMDL49 ACMDL50 ACMDL1 ACMDL2 ACMDL15 GL_137 ACMDL48 ACMDL49 ACMDL50 ACMDL1 ACMDL2 ACMDL15 Only GL_15 and GL_26 are listed in the GATE_MDL_PP_TIME table; for GL_137, PPTIME distribution will be used 13
Gate Selection Logic Gate Selection Logic Background SIMMOD 2.3.1: This is a good approach to gate selection; but sometimes other considerations may force the analyst to need a different approach Runway GTE_5 GTE_4 GTE_2 GTE_1 GTE_3 yes Go to it Select a random gate among adequate, based on its availability & “popularity” w /airlines Select a random gate among adequate, based on its availability & “popularity” w /airlines Gate Assigned ? no Gate Available ? yes no Assign a different random (subj. to constraints) Alternative gate available ? yes no 9 AL GTE_5 has an 80% chance of being selected; GTE_1 has 20% 12 AL 1 space 4 spaces Figure 1 EXAMPLE 1:
Gate Selection Logic Gate Selection Logic SIMMOD inputs controlling gate selection logic: New table in SIMU07: AL_MDL_GATE_CHOICE It will include: Implementation Airline Identifier List of AC models that this entry covers Airline Identifier List of AC models that this entry covers Prioritized grouping of gates and respective preference distribution within each group Prioritized grouping of gates and respective preference distribution within each group GTE_5 GTE_4 GTE_2 GTE_1 GTE_3 Figure 2 If AL1 prefers GTE_3, but GTE_3 is also assigned to 11 other airlines, while GTE_1 is assigned only to AL1, GTE_3 has virtually no chance of being selected, unless GTE_1 has no space. Airline’s preferences need to be accommodated. 15
Gate Selection Logic Gate Selection Logic Implementation Airline IdentifierSIMMOD number of the airline List of AC Models Space delimited listing of aircraft models covered by this entry Prioritized grouping of Gates Group of gates to be considered first, second, etc. The gates are to be listed in the respective preference distribution. 16
Gate Selection Logic Gate Selection Logic Implementation SPECIAL CARE: This table has effect only when the airline is assigned and the gate is not available. For the airlines and models listed in it, this table has priority over the standard gate selection logic. DO NOT list a model more than once for each airline GTE_5 GTE_4 GTE_2 GTE_1 GTE_3 Figure 3 The situation described in Slide 2 (Figure 2) can be fixed as follows: AL_MDL_GATE_CHOICE maximum 2 records ; ; ; ; 1 priority group ; EXAMPLE 2: Space i ( Space j ) * P i = P i assigned 17
Gate Selection Logic Gate Selection Logic EXAMPLE 3: As for any independent random events, the probability of a gate being selected is the (normalized) product of assigned and space-based probabilities Assigned distribution Final distribution Space-based distribution Space at the gate Implementation 18
Runway Exit Logic Runway Exit Logic Background If an arrival aircraft is heading for GTE_1, but its minimum landing roll length is greater than the distance from touchdown at GRN1 to GRN2, it will take the next possible exit link # 123. In this case, the AC will then take link 14 15 RC and only then is it on the proper side of the runway. EXAMPLE: This is a simple example of a class of situations where a different approach to runway exit would be advantageous Exit link 16 would have been the logical choice... Figure 1 GTE_2 GTE_1 Runway GRN2 GRN9 RC GRN3 GRN1 Min Roll
Runway Exit Logic Runway Exit Logic SIMMOD inputs controlling runway exit operations New table in SIMU07: RWY_GATE_ACMDL It will include: Implementation Runway Identifier Destination Flag Destination Identifier List of AC models that this entry covers Runway Identifier Destination Flag Destination Identifier List of AC models that this entry covers A way to indicate links to take and / or not A way to indicate links to take and / or not GTE_2 GTE_1 Runway Figure GRN2 GRN9 RC GRN3 GRN1 Min Roll
Runway Exit Logic Runway Exit Logic Implementation Runway Identifier Name of the runway either in primary or opposite direction; the logic will work for both directions of the runway Destination Identifier Concourse number or Gate number from SIMU07 List of AC Models Space delimited listing of aircraft models covered by this entry A way to indicate exit links for aircraft of model from the list going to the gate or concourse on the runway: List of PROHIBITED exit links List of PROHIBITED exit links Distribution of ALLOWED exit links Distribution of ALLOWED exit links 21 Destination Flag An indicator = “G” if the record is for a gate = “C” if the record is for a concourse
Runway Exit Logic Runway Exit Logic Implementation Distribution of ALLOWED exit links In this case, the engine will sample from the distribution, and the selected link will be the one to be taken, unless it is listed as prohibited for this AC model / gate / runway. List of PROHIBITED exit links In this case, the engine will proceed the usual way, with the exception that it will check the exit link for being in list of prohibited exit links. If it is, then the engine will select the next non-prohibited exit. SPECIAL CARE: If the final runway exit link is prohibited, the engine may terminate with an error, if no other exit link is feasible. If the randomly picked exit is listed as prohibited for this AC model / gate / runway, then the sampling will continue until a non-prohibited exit is found. 22
Runway Exit Logic Runway Exit Logic Implementation TABLE FORMAT: List of Prohibited links TABLE RULES: 1Either Distribution or Prohibited Links in each record 2If Distribution, then MaxNumProhib = 0 3If a link is listed with non-zero probability in one record but is prohibited in another, then another link will be randomly picked until a non-prohibited link is selected. TABLE FORMAT: Distribution of Allowed Links 23
Runway Exit Logic Runway Exit Logic RWY_GATE_ACMDL_P Maximum Number: 1 1 APT_01L ; G 1 ; ; ; RWY_GATE_ACMDL_D Maximum Number: 1 1 APT_01L ; G 1 ; ; ; In either case, link 123 will not be taken, and the aircraft will proceed to link 16 or to link 124. In this case, even if links 124 and 15 are parts of the taxipath for this ARRIVAL event, once 16 has been selected, it will be taken. GTE_2 GTE_1 Runway APT_01L Figure GRN2 GRN9 RC GRN3 GRN1 Min Roll