water.europa.eu CIS Ad hoc activity on WFD Economic Issues -Progress Update Strategic Coordination Group Meeting, 23 February 2010 DG Environment, European Commission
Outline Background Progress since last SCG meeting WFD Economics Questionnaire and interviews Next steps Request to SCG
Background Nov 2009 SCG meeting considered a draft Scoping paper on proposed WFD economics workshop Paper set out some initial proposals regarding the objectives, scope, inputs and outputs of the workshop
Progress since Nov 09 SCG meeting Revised Scoping paper, taking account of SCG discussion, was included in the CIS Work Programme considered by Water Directors Water Directors agreed that an ad hoc activity on WFD economics should be undertaken as part of the CIS Work Programme Dec 09: Paper sent to SCG setting out the proposed approach to the WFD economics questionnaire and interviews (input to workshop). Nominations were requested for interview participants and participation in workshop preparations. No major comments were received on the proposed approach to the WFD economics questionnaire and interviews. Nominations were provided for workshop organisation and interview participants. 4
Workshop Organising Group Workshop organising group comprises DK, HU, NL, DE, EE, ES, UK, FR, and WFD Nav. Task Group. Draft questionnaire and interview questions sent to workshop organising group for comment by 22 Feb. Once questionnaire and interview questions have been finalised, work will begin on finalising the scope of workshop (e.g. identify required inputs, finalise objectives etc), develop programme, identify speakers and agree timing etc.
WFD Economics Questionnaire and interviews Written questionnaire to all SCG members Follow-up interviews (up to 20) of selected experts Scope of questionnaire and interview questions: (i)Implementation experience of WFD economics (ii)Experience with CIS guidance/information sheets (iii)Future needs for work on WFD economics A wide definition of ‘WFD economics’ is being taken to maximise the information gathered. Respondents are free to focus on specific areas in written responses and interviews 6
Next steps Finalise WFD Economics questionnaire and circulate to SCG (2 month deadline for replies) Identify interviewees and conduct interviews Prepare report on outcomes of questionnaire and interviews Work with organising group to prepare workshop and agree timings Develop workshop programme 7
8 Request to SCG Respond to the WFD Economics questionnaire by the deadline Additional nominations to be involved in the workshop preparations? Willingness to host workshop?