Settlement Permanent settlements began to form with the intro. of agriculture (10,000 years ago) Settlements associated with specific economic activities 1st - food for subsistence 2nd - distribute surpluses of food 3rd - trade and industrial centres % of the world’s population is considered urban
ECUMENE a term used by geographers to mean inhabited land. It generally refers to land where people have made their permanent homes, & to all work areas that are considered occupied & used for agricultural/other economic purposes. there can be various types of ecumenes, each having their own unique characteristics (population ecumene, agricultural ecumene, industrial ecumene, etc.).
ECUMENE The world’s population (6.7 billion) is not distributed evenly across the earth's surface Populations have a tendency to cluster or clump into specific areas There are 4 major population centers where approximately 60% (4.2 billion) of world's population is located.
1. South Asia South Asia - This encompasses the countries of India, Pakistan, and Bangladesh (1.445 billion).
2. East Asia East Asia - This encompasses the countries of China, Japan, Taiwan, and the North and South Korea (1.444 billion).
3. Europe Europe - This includes all the countries west of the Ural Mountains (physical boundary which separates Europe from Asia) In Europe, most of the population is further concentrated, with most of the population clustered in the Western European nations (United Kingdom, France, Germany, Italy, Belgium, and the Netherlands).
3. Europe
4. North East North America This area incorporates the NE portion of the U.S. & the southern portion of Eastern Canada, which borders the United States. This area encompasses such major cities as Boston, NY, Philadelphia, Baltimore, Washington, Pittsburgh, Buffalo, Cleveland, Columbus, Cincinnati, Detroit, Indianapolis, Chicago, Toronto, Montreal, & Quebec City.
4. North East North America
Factors that influence where people live 1. Climate - Most People choose to live in temperate (not too cold/not too hot) climate zones
Factors that influence where people live
2. Most of the world’s population located on plain (flat) landform areas
Factors that influence where people live
3. Water - major population centres are near major bodies of water, such as oceans, rivers and Lakes
Factors that influence where people live
4. Farmland - Historically, cities could only grow in regions that could support the urban population (close to the a food source - farms). Farms could only survive in regions with good soils and warm enough climate.
Factors that influence where people live
World Urbanization Patterns In 1800 only 3% (30 million) of the world’s (1 billion) population lived in urban areas – 1 city with a population over 1 million
Top 10 cities in the world CityPopulation 1Beijing, China1,100,000 2London, UK861,000 3Guangzhou, China800,000 4Tokyo (Edo) Japan685,000 5Istanbul (Constantinople) Turkey 570,000 6Paris, France547,000 7Naples, Italy430,000 8Hangzhou, China387,000 9Osaka, Japan383,000 10Kyoto, Japan377,000
Top 10 cities in the world
World Urbanization Patterns 1900 – almost 14% (238 million) of the world was urbanized (world’s population – 1.7 billion) – 12 cities with population over 1 million
Top 10 cities in the world CityPopulation 1London, UK6,480,000 2New York, USA4,242,000 3Paris, France3,330,000 4Berlin, Germany2,707,000 5Chicago, USA1,717,000 6Vienna, Austria1,698,000 7Tokyo, Japan1,497,000 8St. Petersburg, Russia 1,439,000 9Manchester, UK1,435,000 10Philadelphia, USA1,418,000
Top 10 cities in the world
World Urbanization Patterns 1950 – 30% (766,955,141) of the world 2,556,517,137 people lived in urban areas – 83 cities with a population over 1 million
Top 10 cities in the world CityPopulation 1New York, USA12,463,000 2London, UK8,860,000 3Tokyo, Japan7,000,000 4Paris, France5,900,000 5Shanghai, China5,406,000 6Moscow, Russia5,100,000 7Buenos Aires, Argentina 5,000,000 8Chicago, USA4,906,000 9Ruhr, Germany4,900,000 10Calcutta, India4,800,000
Top 10 cities in the world
World Urbanization Patterns 2008 – 3.3 billion people (50%) lived in urban areas (world’s population billion) – ~450 cities with population over 1 million
Top 10 cities in the world CityPopulation 1Seoul, South Korea10,231,000 2Sao, Paulo, Buenos Aries10,009,000 3Mumbai, India9,925,000 4Jakarta, Indonesia9,373,000 5Karachi, Pakistan9,339,000 6Moscow, Russia8,297,000 7Istanbul, Turket8,260,000 8Mexico City, Mexico8,235,000 9Shanghai, China8,214,000 10Tokyo, Japan4,800,000
Top 10 cities in the world
Top 10 cities in the world CityPopulation 1Karachi, Pakistan15,500,000 2Shanghai, China14,900,000 3Mumbai, India13,900,000 4Beijing, China12,460,000 5Delhi, India12,100,000 6Buenos Aries, Argentina11,655,000 7Manila, Philippines11,550,000 8Seoul, South Korea11,153,000 9Sao Paulo, Brazil11.038,000 10Moscow, Russia10,524,000
Top 10 cities in the world
World Urbanization Patterns Urban areas Of all urbanized areas 76% are found in developed countries & 24% are found in undeveloped countries
World Urbanization Patterns Virtually all population growth expected between will be concentrated in the urban areas of the world During the 30 year period, urban population is expected to increase by 2 billion persons, the same number that will be added to the whole population of the world
World Urbanization Patterns Today there are 3.3 billion people living in urban areas and this number is expected to increase to 4.9 billion by 2030 World population is 6.1 billion and is expected to increase to 8.1 billion by the year 2030 Between the world’s urban population will grow at an average annual rate of 1.8% (almost double the rate expected for total population growth in the world, 1%) This rate will see the world’s urban population double in 38 years Urbanization