Protists Defined by exclusion – most protist are eukaryotic organisms that cannot be classified as fungi, plants, or animals Usually unicellular Can be “plant-like” or “animal-like”
Amoeba Clear “Shape shifter” – cytoplasm flows into pseudopodia Contains food vacuoles Moves by pseudopodia (structures that temporarily extend and contract to pull the amoeba along)
Paramecium Has 2 nuclei Oral grove for feeding Moves by cilia (short hair-like structures that surround the cell)
Euglena Contains chloroplasts (gives it green color) Combination between a plant and animal Moves by flagella (long hair-like structure that extends from the front of the euglena)
Stentor One of biggest unicellular organisms Cilia around “bell” that sweep in food and aid in movement “Horn” Shaped (Resemble a trumpet) Can regenerate and small fragments can grow into full organisms
Volvox Form spherical colonies of up to 50,000 members Can perform photosynthesis
The following are classified under the Kingdom Animalia These organisms are very small and very unique
Rotifer “sessile” – attaches to one place and stays there. Can move by crown of cilia Cup shaped mouth
Hydra Can regenerate lost body parts Has tentacles Moves by “walking” with its tentacles, or sliding along like a worm
Planaria Bilateral symmetry (same on each side) Amazing ability to regenerate Has eyespots Can master a maze through responses to stimuli Moves like a worm
Daphnia Have a head with compound eyes that can be seen Antennae