Bud Amorfini – R6SLT Paul Keiran – R1 Compliance Inspection Reports and Data Reporting Course Overview Introduction and Inspector Qualifications Pre-Inspection Preparation Construction Site Compliance Evaluation Field Monitoring at Construction Sites Compliance Inspection Reports Compliance Inspection Data Management Compliance Enforcement Activities Case Study
Components of Inspection Reports Site Inspection Checklist Photo Log SMARTS Inspection Tab SMARTS Violation Tab SMARTS Enforcement Tab Other Supporting Documentation – May include written enforcement order, corrective actions verification, sampling results, etc. Compliance Inspection Reports and Data Reporting
Site Inspection Checklist – SMARTS Review
Site Inspection Checklist (cont.) – SWPPP Review
Site Inspection Field Form General Form - intended to be flexible depending on the nature of the site and the inspection process
Site Inspection Photo Log Number photos to coincide with the deficiencies in the Site Inspection Field Form Verify the camera was set with correct time and date.
Site Inspection Photo Log (cont.)
Compliance Inspection Reports and Data Reporting SMARTS Inspection Tab
SMARTS Violation Tab (SWPPP)
SMARTS Violation Tab (Site Management) Site management BMPs not implemented or maintained in violation of Attachment D, section B. of Order No DWQ
SMARTS Violation Tab (Sediment Control) Sediment Control BMPs not implemented or maintained in violation of Attachment D, section E. of Order No DWQ
SMARTS Violation Tab (Erosion Control) Erosion Control BMPs not implemented or maintained in violation of Attachment D, section D. of Order No DWQ
SMARTS Violation Tab (Unauthorized Non-Storm Water Discharge (NSWD)) Unauthorized discharge from vault dewatering to surface waters in violation of Attachment D, section C.
Closing the Loop Provide Sufficient Documentation in SMARTS to: – Identify the deficiencies found during inspection – Describe the enforcement action taken – Describe the specific corrective actions required – Determine when corrections must be completed – Document who, when, and how corrective actions were completed Compliance Inspection Reports and Data Reporting
SMARTS Enforcement Tab Sel requiring corrective actions for deficient BMPs. See attached enforcement documentation Discharger completed all corrective actions by June 5, 2012
Compliance Inspection Reports and Data Reporting Example Staff Enforcement Letter (SEL) Completed via Please see the attached list of corrective actions required as a result of our 5/30/2012 inspection at the Donner 3 site. You are required to complete the corrective actions by close of business on 6/5/2012. Once the corrective actions have been completed, verify the actions were implemented by completing the attached form, sign the verification, and send it to me. You may add photos that are deemed necessary.
Example Corrective Action Form Compliance Inspection Reports and Data Reporting
Example Field Sampling and Analysis Form
Example Completed Corrective Action Form
Training Course Overview Introduction and Qualifications Pre-Inspection Preparation Construction Site Compliance Evaluation Field Monitoring at Construction Sites Compliance Inspection Reports Compliance Inspection Data Management Compliance Enforcement Activities Case Study Compliance Inspection Reports and Data Reporting