Inspections - Page P3-L14-1 MEF-TRANSITION-P3-L14-1 Dr. M.E. Fayad Lesson 14: Inspections SoftwareEngineeringII
Inspections - Page P3-L14-2 MEF-TRANSITION-P3-L14-2 Dr. M.E. Fayad Lesson Objectives oLearn why inspections are important for creating quality objects oLearn the basics of software inspections oUnderstand the differences of inspections vs. walkthroughs oLearn how to run productive value-added inspections
Inspections - Page P3-L14-4 MEF-TRANSITION-P3-L14-4 Dr. M.E. Fayad T HE C RITICAL R OLE OF I NSPECTIONS Software Inspections –Ensure “good” objects are created early –Engineer quality instead of test quality –Increase team building in the new OO culture Inspection Materials Defect Checklists OOD Diagram trace? etc. Defect Worksheet Defects found during the inspection process. Defect-Free Materials
Inspections - Page P3-L14-5 MEF-TRANSITION-P3-L14-5 Dr. M.E. Fayad I NSPECTION P ROCESS A PPLIES TO ALL P HASES OF OOSD Software inspections guarantee successful completion of each OO software development phase: –Requirements inspection of software object –Preliminary and Detailed Design of the object –Implementation and unit test procedures –Documentation of OO requirements, design, and code Software Manager SSE Software Engineers SQA OBJECT-ORIENTED SOFTWARE DEVELOPMENT LIFE CYCLE Software Requirements Analysis Software Requirements Inspection Object Preliminary Design Preliminary Design Inspection Object Detailed Design
Inspections - Page P3-L14-6 MEF-TRANSITION-P3-L14-6 Dr. M.E. Fayad S OFTWARE I NSPECTION D EFINITIONS Software Inspection - –Trained personnel follow a defined process with the identified goal of finding and reporting potential software defects. Checklists - –Tools used to describe the elements of the inspection materials that are critical for successful exit from the phase. Defects - –Any potential variance from the standard or expected practice in an area. Defect Worksheet - –Record of defects found during software inspection.
Inspections - Page P3-L14-7 MEF-TRANSITION-P3-L14-7 Dr. M.E. Fayad S IX S TEP I NSPECTION P ROCESS C OVERS OOSD C RITERIA 1Planning inspection material content 2Overview meeting (optional) 3Individual preparation (checklists) 4Inspection meeting (defect worksheet) 5Rework performed by author 6Follow-up verification of rework
Inspections - Page P3-L14-8 MEF-TRANSITION-P3-L14-8 Dr. M.E. Fayad S OFTWARE I NSPECTION VS. W ALKTHROUGH Software Inspection: –Trained personnel (moderator, reader, inspectors) –Checklist for inspection roles –Repeatable process –Recorded results –Rework follow-up –Materials presented by reader Walkthrough: –Run by author; depend on author’s style –Few traceable results –No verification of rework –No specified review criteria (duplication of effort)
Inspections - Page P3-L14-9 MEF-TRANSITION-P3-L14-9 Dr. M.E. Fayad M ETRICS C OLLECTION AND A NALYSIS E NSURES V ALUE IS B EING A DDED Increase personnel productivity: Record Preparation Times Track Defect Types by Activity Limit Inspection Meeting to Two Hours Record Time Spent to Perform Rework Review Inspection Process Regularly to Find Improvements
Inspections - Page P3-L14-10 MEF-TRANSITION-P3-L14-10 Dr. M.E. Fayad I NSPECTION S UMMARY Inspections help engineer quality objects Inspections should be applied to all phases of object- oriented software development Inspections are more rigorous and formal than walkthroughs Collect metrics to track inspection productivity