CDLC E-Form Use the CDLC e-form to request from libraries outside Questar III SLS or if Questar III libraries do not have what you are looking for.
CDLC E-Form E-form From: ILL contact Subject line: CDLC ILL Request
CDLC E-Form Acknowledge request. Place item in courier, addressed to borrowing library. Please include due date and your contact information.
OPALS UNION CATALOG Use to electronically borrow from Questar III SLS libraries. You will receive s about pending requests, and each transaction after. It will keep an electronic record of your transactions in your union account.
OPALS UNION CATALOG OPALS users can request directly within OPALS. Non-OPALS users must go to the Union catalog to search and request. ?logout=1
OPALS UNION CATALOG notification From: root Subject: [] ILL Update Attachment is an html file called: [] ILL Update.html
OPALS UNION CATALOG attachment example
OPALS UNION CATALOG The ID links you to the union where you can fill or reject the request. Log into the union, look for the pending request in ILL Responses tab. Fill or Reject. Log back in later to return and receive.
OPALS UNION CATALOG Problems Please be sure your browser is up to date. If possible, please use FireFox or Chrome as your browser. – notify IT if you cannot receive or open the . It may go to SPAM. If you have trouble logging in, or you have to log in multiple times before you can make a transaction, please let us know.