HighImpact Soft Final Presentation Dare Famodimu Eric Deshazer Sergio Loza Scott Willock
Agenda Process Specification New Enterprise Requirements and Issue Analysis Product Specification Prototype Why our product is the best
HighImpactSoft Spiral Process Model
Process Overview
Elicitation Techniques Comprehensive study of the preliminary problem description provided by HighImpactSoft, Inc. Meeting and discussing ideas as a team. Feedback from in-class presentation. Questioning Professor Chung regarding the assigned project
Requirements Analysis and Negotiation Project Wants Project Needs Constraints and Possibilities
Requirements Specification Requirements Validation at every stage Completes the cycle and ultimately the Project
Traceability Requirements Elicitation vs. Preliminary and Improved Requirements Forward traceability from Requirements Elicitation documents to Preliminary and Improved Requirements Backward Traceability from Preliminary and Improved Requirements to Requirements Elicitation documents. Preliminary and Improved Requirements vs. Design Elements Forward traceability from Requirements to Design Elements Backward Traceability from Design Elements to Requirements
Functional Requirements (FR21) Some meetings are organized and scheduled at the same time, as a chunk, where partial attendance can be allowed. (FR22) The system should be interoperable, portable and platform- independent ( e.g., should run on a cellular phone). (FR23) If recurring meetings are discontinued, attendee’s calendars should be updated, but past meetings should still remain on all calendars. (FR24) There should always be room for more attendees. (FR25) Remove it right. Deleting a meeting cancellation from an attendee’s inbox will not remove the meeting from the attendee’s calendar.
Requirement Analysis (FR21) “Some meetings are organized and scheduled at the same time, as a chunk, where partial attendance can be allowed.” Problems: Conflicting meetings may be scheduled by multiple meeting initiators. It is not clear how the appropriate meeting initiators will be notified when attendees have accepted conflicting meeting times. It is also not clear how the attendee with conflicting meeting times will be notified. Option 1: Notify the meeting initiator via or immediate pop-up when an invited attendee has accepted other meetings that pose a conflict. Option 2: When an attendee attempts to accept a meeting that poses a scheduling conflict, provide immediate notification via pop-up message. Calendar meeting entries should indicate when a conflict exists with a dedicated icon. Solution: Options 1 & 2 Reason: The affected meeting initiators and attendees should be made aware by the system when a potential or evident scheduling conflict exists.
Requirement Analysis (FR22) “The system should be interoperable, portable and platform-independent ( e.g., should run on a cellular phone).” Problems: What the system is to be interoperable with is unclear. Option 1: Design the system to be machine-independent. (e.g., use Java or some other programming software that supports multiple machine environments). Option 2: Optimize the DMS GUI for mobile devices such as smart phones and personal digital assistants. Option 3: Optimize the DMS web GUI for all major market internet browsers, including Internet Explorer, Firefox, Opera, and Google Chrome. Solution: Options 2 & 3 Reason: Our proposed system is web-based. Optimizing the web GUI for all major market internet browsers and mobile devices is a must if this is to be a successful web-based application.
Non-Functional Requirements (NFR13) Information about meetings should be secure. (NFR14) Attendees should be allowed to request that additional attendees be invited. Convenience of meetings was initially requested and has already been addressed in NFR5.
Requirement Analysis (NFR13) “Information about meetings should be secure.” Problem: The exact meaning and intent of “secure” is unclear. What method of security is preferred? If passwords are used, what level of password security is required? Option 1: All personal information provided to DMS by users is confidential and will not be distributed outside of the system. Option 2: Only authorized users may create, manage, or take part in meetings. Option 3: Each authorized user will utilize a unique user name and password to access the system. Solution: Options 1, 2, & 3 Reason: Unique user names and strong passwords will help to protect against internet attacks and tampering by unauthorized users. Additionally, the system should protect user’s personal information and should not sell or distribute that information to outside firms.
Requirement Analysis (NFR14) “Attendees should be allowed to request that additional attendees be invited.” Problem: What is an acceptable method for adding additional attendees after a meeting has been scheduled? Option 1: Allow each attendee the ability to add additional persons to the meeting. Option 2: Allow additional person’s to notify the meeting initiator when they desire to attend a meeting. Attendee must provide the person with the meeting initiator’s address. Option 3: Attendee’s will notify the meeting initiator that additional persons should be invited. Solution: Options 2 & 3 Reason: The meeting initiator must be the person who controls the list of attendees. The appropriate way to add more persons is to notify the meeting initiator so they may update the list.
Use case Diagram
Product Perspective Users can Access scheduler with Internet browser Meetings: Initiate Join Manage
Class Diagram
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