Collaboration in Disaster Response Problems, Methods, and Tools Eric Rasmussen, MD, MDM, FACP
We create free and open-source software for collaboration toward collective action. We then teach other people how to create it for themselves.
In our opinion, collaboration, in humanitarian action is THE critical task Refugee management Cholera outbreak Katrina response
Questions in disaster response… What information isn’t getting to those who need it? Which groups should be making more decisions together? What field reports and alerts should come faster? Which systems need to share information?
The answers to those questions reveal challenges: 1. Cultural acceptance 2. Geo-referenced imagery 3. Languages and translation 4. Unreliable communications 5. Minimal Essential Data Sets 6. Complex System Assessments 7. Formal Decision Support 8. Rapid Assessment Consolidation 9. Emergent Strategic Collaboration 10. Consolidating Human-Animal-Environmental health impact
Collaboration Directory Federation Social NetworkingVirtual Teaming Reliable Messaging Social Metadata Information Flow Forms DesignShared OntologiesSchema EvolutionTranslation Deep Field Collection Geocoding Analysis Data Fusion Anomaly Detection Complex Systems Analysis Network Analysis Text Mining Spatio-temporal Analysis Sensor Integration Decision Support Geospatial Visualization Autonomous Agents Predictive Modeling Distributed Workflow AlertingReport Generation Mesh Synchronization Storage Abstraction Offline Work Conflict Resolution SMS IntegrationSecurityIdentity Adapters & Transformers We think this is what collaboration requires…
Collaboration tools assessment Problem – Agencies can’t (or won’t) communicate effectively in crisis Requirements for the technical problem – Software that is effective, free, standards-based, easy to use, sustainable, measurable, and thoroughly interoperable Specifications – Must be considered with WHO, UNICEF, MoH, UCLA, OCHA, UNOSAT, ISDR, Relief Web and many more… Development (at least at InSTEDD) – We’ve built four free and open-source tools as prototypes for improved collaboration in crisis. They fill gaps we perceived. Implementation – beta evaluation in progress with all four in Southeast Asia ( fifth will appear on the web Tuesday )
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