CNAP MEETING 7 October 2002 J.C.Sherman
AS&SG What was previously the Starlink line in the PPARC SLA is now the Astronomical Software and Services Group (AS&SG) line Change of name to reflect new purpose The line which previously funded Starlink now funds: –ESO in-kind contributions –AstroGrid contributions –A downsized Starlink
AS&SG -- ESO in-kind 1 Provides part of the UK’s “in-kind” payment of the ESO joining fee. Other in-kind contributions from: –ATC –WFAU (Edinburgh) –CASU (IoA, Cambridge) UK are committed to 10 MDM (5 MEuro) for this software-related in-kind work over the next five years.
AS&SG -- ESO in-kind 2 ESO have asked for in-kind contributions in the form of “deployable manpower” This means staff working at ESO HQ, Garching, for a year or more, under ESO management UK acting as an employment agency for relatively low level staff
AS&SG -- ESO in-kind 3 We and others have not yet convinced ESO to also accept other work as in-kind No volunteers, so only way to provide deployable manpower is to recruit new staff, with location at Garching for a year or more as a condition of employment We are recruiting one person at present; first UK in-kind contribution Funding for recruitment from AS&SG line, displacing Starlink work
AS&SG -- ESO in-kind 4 Other in-kind contributions (not deployable manpower) from AS&SG may in future include: –Telescope control (PTW) –Gasgano or other desktop products –MIDAS maintenance/development?? –Other “strategic” work in UK (ESO document soon) ESO might consider these other contributions once some deployable manpower is in place However, we expect deployable manpower to be the majority of the in-kind contribution
AS&SG -- AstroGrid The AS&SG line includes AstroGrid “displacement” This is where we take on new AstroGrid work but with no new funding. The new work then displaces previous work. Similar displacement with GridPP?? There is a separate AstroGrid line in the RAL SLA for funded AstroGrid work AstroGrid Phase A is now coming to an end. Phase B to start after a review in October and is expected to run for approx 2.5 years
AS&SG -- Starlink 1 Remit set by PPARC’s “Review of Astronomical Computing” in 1998/1999. Now includes Solar and STP as well as traditional astronomy Funding set by PPARC’s “Starlink Cost Review” in 2000 Mainly software; some operations; includes SOFA Operations comprise: purchasing service; system management support (meetings, benchmarking, advice); provision of proprietary licences (IDL, Matlab, etc.) Proposals for a major change to the Starlink software programme were made last year (“Future Directions for UK Astronomical Software”, FD1)
AS&SG -- Starlink 2 Now working to implement those FD1 proposals Major themes of the new s/w programme are: –Compatibility with ESO instruments/data –Compatibility with e-science (AstroGrid, AVO) –Support during transition for critical items (JACH) –Inclusion of Solar and STP Good progress being made, eg.: –Pipeline for ESO VLT archive –Applications run as Web Services –Contributions to AstroGrid and AVO demos
AS&SG 1 Three-way split of previous Starlink line started in FY01-02 Resources going to ESO in-kind and AstroGrid grow this year, FY02-03, and ramp up in years ahead “Future Directions for UK Astronomical Software, Revised September 2002”, FD2, submitted to PPARC in September, as requested Revision to allow for changed PPARC finances over past year (technical aspects of FD1, eg. Web Services and Java, have been confirmed by events)
AS&SG 2 Review of FD2 will determine the size of the AS&SG line and the division between the three components At present, AS&SG line funds approx 11 staff at RAL (SSTD), 1 at ESO and 6 UK software contractors at universities Budgeted spend for FY02-03 is 1316 K Manager of AS&SG line is J.C.Sherman
AS&SG -- Oversight ESO in-kind component -- PPARC A’grid displacement -- AOC & GSC Starlink – no longer any oversight c’ttee Community input to Starlink software programme from: –Biennial Survey of Astronomical Software –Software Strategy Groups (SSG) –Observatories (ATC, JACH, etc) –ESO & AstroGrid
AS&SG – Questions/Problems Outcome of review of FD2 (by SCAMP)? Contributions to ESO in-kind from others? ESO to accept “strategic” work carried out in UK as in-kind? Level of System Management set by Grants; similar problems to those faced by PP Sys Man. CNAP and Starlink oversight??