Monday, January 27, 2014 Math- – Go over quiz – How you solve with cross multiplying? Reading- Giraffe: complete ch questions; define ch words; study for quiz over chapters 1-12 Lion: complete questions for chapters Giver: Read ch 13-14; readers response Language Arts- presentations Science- Weathering and Erosion Social Studies- Religion Crossword and Chart
Tuesday, January 28, 2014 Math- – 4 th -How you solve with cross multiplying? – How do you identify 3-D prisms, # of faces, edges, vertices, and nets? Reading- Giraffe: Chapters 1-12 quiz; complete defining ch words Lion: complete questions for chapters 13-14; vocab word search Giver: Read ch 15-16; 20 word summary/3x3 summary Language Arts-presentations Science-Weathering and Erosion Social Studies- Crusades
Wednesday, January 29, 2014 Math- – How do you find the surface area of rectangular prisms? – 4 th -How you solve with cross multiplying? Reading- MEDIA CENTER TECHNOLOGY LESSON #2 Language Arts- 1 st & 2 nd - work on publications 3 rd -5 th - type final paper Science-Weathering and Erosion Social Studies- Review Judaism, Christianity, and Islam
Thursday, January 30, 2014 Math- – Integrated art – 4 th -How you solve with cross multiplying? QUIZ TOMORROW Reading- Giraffe: read chapter 13; answer questions Lion: read chapters 15-17; answer questions Giver: Read 17-19; readers response Language Arts- 1 st & 2 nd - work on publications 3 rd -5 th - type final paper Science- Weathering and Erosion Social Studies- Religion Jeopardy
Friday, January 31, 2014 Math- – How do you find the surface area of rectangular prisms? – 4 th - Quiz Reading- Giraffe: Chapters 14-15; answer questions Lion: figurative language Giver: Read ch Language Arts- 1 st & 2 nd - work on publications 3 rd -5 th - type final paper Science- Weathering and Erosion Social Studies- Religion Test