Black pepper is considered as king of spices and largely cultivated and exported from coastal India. It is a perennial vine which can be propagated through seed and cuttings. Seedlings takes 4 to 5 years while cuttings take 3 years to bear. So black pepper is commercially propagated by shoot cuttings. It has four types of shoots i.e. runner shoots, fruiting branches, top shoots and hanging shoots. Introduction
Trench with 0.75 m depth, 0.3 m width and convenient length filled with rooting medium of soil, sand and cow dung in equal proportion (1:1:1). Bamboo splits or plastic pipes 7-8 cm in diameter and 1.5 to 2 m in length are laid out with split side facing upwards in the trench and arranged slanting at 45 0 using strong supports. The rooting medium of coir dust and cow dung mixture (1:1) is filled in the bamboo cavity. Preparation of Bamboo Structure
Runner shoots grow from the base of vines and have long internodes which produce roots at any node. The runner shoots are selected from high yielding healthy vines for propagation and planted in the trenches next to the bamboo splits. The growing vine is tied to the bamboo spilt to keep the nodes pressed into the rooting medium. Planting of Runner Shoots
After Care Each node must be carefully pressed into the rooting medium to ensure rapid root and shoot growth. The nursery beds are irrigated and cleaned regularly with fertilization of 250 ml nutrient solution/vine at 15 days interval. Nutrient solution is prepared by mixing 1 kg Urea, 250 gm Single Super Phosphate, 500 gm Murate of Potash, 250 gm Magnesium Sulphate in 250 liters of water.
When vine grows till end of the bamboo split, terminal bud is nipped off at about 3 nodes above the base in order to activate the auxiliary buds, each vine is cut at the crushed point and removed from rooting medium. Each node of vine grown on the split is separated with bunch of roots and planted in polythene bag in such a way that the axils remains above the soil. Rooted cuttings are kept in shade and watered regularly. They begin to grow in 3 weeks. Preparation of Cuttings