doc.: IEEE /0013r0 Submission January 2012 Mika Kasslin, NokiaSlide 1 Motivation for Monitor WSO Notice: This document has been prepared to assist IEEE It is offered as a basis for discussion and is not binding on the contributing individual(s) or organization(s). The material in this document is subject to change in form and content after further study. The contributor(s) reserve(s) the right to add, amend or withdraw material contained herein. Date: Authors:
doc.: IEEE /0013r0 Submission January 2012 Mika Kasslin, NokiaSlide 2 Abstract This presentation is a response to a request during one of the TG1 teleconferences to provide use cases for Monitor White Space Object (WSO) that has been proposed for the coexistence specification as one of the WSOs that can use the coexistence system through and with help of a coexistence enabler (CE)
doc.: IEEE /0013r0 Submission Potential questions to the coexistence system If I had a Network WSO with these capabilites and characteristics in this location what would be operating parameters I would be given? –I want to find out whether there are enough resources available in the TVWS for my needs –TVWS is just one band capability in my network and I wonder whether I should use the TVWS or some other band If I had a Network WSO with these capabilites and characteristics in this location what would be my network’s operating environment? –I want to find out whether I should start operating my network in TVWS band January 2012 Mika Kasslin, NokiaSlide 3
doc.: IEEE /0013r0 Submission Specification support for the questions Option 1 –Implement support for the questions as part of the services available for the Network WSO and the Device WSO The implemnentation needs to ensure that the inquiries may be issued at a time when the WSO is not discoverable from the coexistence discovery perspective Option 2 –Implement support for the questions as a new set of inquiries that are available only for the Monitor WSO Message and protocol details should be very much like the ones in the option 1 January 2012 Mika Kasslin, NokiaSlide 4
doc.: IEEE /0013r0 Submission Closing remarks The specification should provide means for ”a user” to find out –What would be operating parameters of my network/device in a given location with these capabilities and characteristics? –What would be the operating environment of my network/device in a given location with these capabilities and characteristics? We can implement the means in multiple ways in our specification but we should provide them The proposal is to follow the option 2 since it makes it more clear for a reader of the specification that one can use the coexistence system without a network/device attached to every CE January 2012 Mika Kasslin, NokiaSlide 5