1:1 PVAAS S ESSIONS WITH P RINCIPALS Individual and customized consultations on using PVAAS reporting!
1:1 PVAAS S ESSIONS WITH P RINCIPALS Resource/ Process Guide:
PVAAS S URVEYS Seeking feedback from district-level staff, school administrators, and teachers
PVAAS S URVEYS Plan to send surveys within 1 week to: District Admin and District Users School Admins Teachers with teacher-specific reporting Teacher leaders and coaches that attended “Teachers Supporting Teachers” videoconference Purpose – to inform the design of our future services and supports for SY16-17
D ISTRICT A DMIN /D ISTRICT U SER S URVEY IU Region, LEA Type, Role How do you use PVAAS reporting? How does your school administrator(s) use PVAAS reporting? How do your teachers use PVAAS reporting? What would help you to take your use of PVAAS to the next level? HOW would you like to receive support/training on using PVAAS reporting? WHEN would you like to receive support/training on using PVAAS reporting? Did your school administrators hold conversations with your teachers who received SY14-15 teacher reporting about the reporting? Yes, all of them met with all teachers who received PVAAS teacher reporting. All of them met with some of the teachers who received PVAAS teacher reporting. Some of them met with some/all of the teachers who received PVAAS teacher reporting. No school administrators met with any teachers who received PVAAS teacher reporting. If YES, describe how you think these conversations with your teachers went. (10 words or less) If NO, what information or supports do you/your school administrators need to hold these conversations? Would you be willing to join us in a future webinar or presentation to share your experiences with using PVAAS reporting? Do you have any questions about PVAAS or need information? If so, please describe. Contact Info, if yes to either of the 2 final questions. We will be conducting phone interviews (15-20 minutes) with a group of teacher leaders/coaches/content supervisors from across PA. Do you have a teacher leader in your district/LEA we could contact to ask about the use of PVAAS and PVAAS services/supports? This information will be used to design PVAAS services for SY16-17.
S CHOOL A DMIN /P RINCIPAL S URVEY IU Region, School Type How do you use PVAAS reporting? How does your teachers use PVAAS reporting? How do your district administrators use PVAAS reporting? What would help you to take your use of PVAAS to the next level? HOW would you like to receive support/training on using PVAAS reporting? WHEN would you like to receive support/training on using PVAAS reporting? Did you have conversations with your teachers who received SY14-15 teacher reporting, about the reporting? Yes, I met with all of the teachers who received PVAAS teacher reporting. I met with some of the teachers who received PVAAS teacher reporting. I have not met with any of my teachers who received PVAAS teacher reporting. If YES, describe these conversations with your teachers (10 words or less). What did you learn from these conversations? If NO, what information or supports do you need to hold these conversations? Would you be willing to join us in a future webinar or presentation to share your experiences with using PVAAS reporting? Do you have any questions about PVAAS or need information? If so, please describe. Contact Info, if yes to either of the 2 final questions. We will be conducting phone interviews (15-20 minutes) with a group of teacher leaders/coaches/content supervisors from across PA. Do you have a teacher leader in your district/LEA we could contact to ask about the use of PVAAS and PVAAS services/supports? This information will be used to design PVAAS services for SY16-17.
S CHOOL U SER /T EACHER S URVEY IU Region, School Type How do you use PVAAS reporting? How does your school administrator(s) use PVAAS reporting? How do your district administrators use PVAAS reporting? What would help you to take your use of PVAAS to the next level? HOW would you like to receive support/training on using PVAAS reporting? WHEN would you like to receive support/training on using PVAAS reporting? Did you receive PVAAS teacher specific reporting for SY14-15? Did you have a conversation with your building level administrator(s) about your SY14-15 PVAAS teacher specific reporting? In 10 words or less describe this conversation with your principal. Do you serve as a teacher leader? We will be conducting phone interviews (15-20 minutes) with a group of teacher leaders from across Pennsylvania in the later part of February. Would you be willing to be contacted to answer a few questions about the use of PVAAS reporting and PVAAS supports/services to districts/schools? This information will be used to design PVAAS services for SY Would you be willing to join us in a future webinar or presentation to share your experiences with using PVAAS reporting? Do you have any questions about PVAAS or need information? If so, please describe. Contact Info, if yes to any of 3 final questions.
U PCOMING PVAAS W EBINARS Going Deeper: PVAAS Student Projections to AP, and PSAT, SAT, and ACT
G OING D EEPER : PVAAS S TUDENT P ROJECTIONS TO A DVANCED P LACEMENT (AP) PVAAS student projections to Advanced Placement (AP) can help address questions like: Are students who are already on the path to success on the AP exams being considered for rigorous coursework? Are there students with a high likelihood of success on the AP exams who are not considering a path of advanced placement coursework? Audience: Middle and High School Guidance Counselors, Department Chairs/Teacher Leaders, Principals, Assistant Superintendents, and Directors of Curriculum & Instruction Two repeat sessions offered : Tuesday, 1/12/2016, 3:00 – 4:00 PM Tuesday, 1/19/2016, 9:00 – 10:00 AM Join live!
G OING D EEPER : PVAAS P ROJECTIONS TO PSAT, SAT, AND ACT PVAAS student projections to ACT, PSAT, and SAT can help address questions like: Are students who are already on the path to success on these assessments in fact participating in these assessments? Are there students with a high likelihood of success who do not consider themselves college candidates? Are there students who are underprepared for the college readiness benchmarks? Audience: Middle and High School Guidance Counselors, Department Chairs/Teacher Leaders, and Principals; Assistant Superintendents; Directors of Curriculum & Instruction Two repeat sessions offered: Wednesday, 1/13/2016, 9:00 – 10:00 AM Wednesday, 1/20/2016, 3:00 – 4:00 PM Join live!
G OING D EEPER W EBINAR R ECORDINGS As always, sessions will be recorded! Usually available within 48 hours of the live session, via our Google Dropbox Download the file prior to viewing. (You won’t be able to watch the full video from within DropBox!) If your LEA does not allow for the use of tiny urls, contact our team at for the full hyperlink!
R OSTER V ERIFICATION P HASES S PRING 2016 D ATES LEA Preview Phase, by School May 2-13, 2016 (2 weeks) Teacher Verification Phase May 14*-27, 2016 (2 weeks) *Notifications of phase opening will be sent via on Monday, May 16. School Administrator Verification Phase May 28*-June 10, 2016 (2 weeks) *Notifications of phase opening will be sent via on Monday, May 30. LEA Verification Phase June 11*-24, 2016 (2 weeks) *Notifications of phase opening will be sent via on Monday, June 13. Admins should make sure the system is ready for teachers! Teachers can Preview BUT cannot edit during this phase! Please note the adjustment for the opening and closing of each phase:
R OSTER V ERIFICATION R ESOURCES Resources on the PVAAS Login Page Roster Verification Guide to Implementation (introduction and overview of the process, incl. detailed “LEA Implementation Checklist”) Roster Verification FAQ (addresses questions about the process and requirements, teacher eligibility, instructional responsibility, etc.) Sample Scenarios document (illustrates a range of scenarios for instructional responsibility) Coming Soon! Quick Start Guide (overview and quick tips to get started- coming soon) Coming Soon! Roster Verification Checklists (outlines actions required by each party in the RV process) Roster Verification Virtual Learning Module – released into two parts: Access by clicking on the “Online Learning and Archived Webinars” link at the top of the login page, or via the e-Learning button from within the site. Released November 1 Welcome What is Roster Verification? Roster Verification overview Instructional Responsibility Released by end of February 2016 Teacher actions School Administrator actions LEA/District Admin actions Resources/supports
“A RE Y OOOOUU R EADY TO R OSTER ?!” RV Training Webinar for New Administrators Audience: New LEA staff who provide support and assistance for PVAAS Roster Verification. One session: Thursday, 2/18/2016, 8:30 – 11:30 AM Link to Join: This session will be recorded! Access recording within 48 hours of the live session at If your LEA does not allow for the use of tiny urls, contact our team at for the full
N EW F EATURES FOR S PRING 2016 B ASED ON LEA S URVEY F EEDBACK 1. Users can copy students from any roster they have access to into a new roster. Rosters can now be copied from one teacher to another, within the same school or across schools – according to the user’s access.
N EW F EATURES FOR S PRING 2016 B ASED ON LEA S URVEY F EEDBACK 2. Users at both the school and district levels can batch print lists of overclaimed and underclaimed students. (Note that lists can be printed only when they are less than 250 students.) From within the Roster Verification Summary, users click Print, and select the appropriate option.
3. Roster History Report (available during the RV process) All actions performed on a roster are displayed. Users can distinguish when a user submitted a roster, or when a roster was auto-submitted at the close of a phase. N EW F EATURES FOR S PRING 2016 B ASED ON LEA S URVEY F EEDBACK